
Jul 25, 2005 21:08

So now I'm home. Aaaaand the temperature/humidity has been even WORSE than in Florida (we're talking over 100 degrees by the LAKE), add on top of that we don't all have central air (I mean it's Wisconsin for crying out loud) so it's been a bugger. We have a window AC which, is alright for downstairs but not at all upstairs. So as you climb up you seriously hit a wall of heat and humidity so it's hard to breathe. That's why all six of my family members slept downstairs last night. I was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep cuz my dad snores, but thankfully that wasn't a problem. I just woke up around dawn because I was freezing but was too lazy to get up and get a blanket from upstairs. So I dreamed that I did and was disappointed when I woke up again. Oh yea and I woke up yet again cuz dad had a bad dream and yelled out "NO!!!" in his sleep. And then he woke up and said "Oh, sorry girls!" Amy and Sarah slept under the dining room table on patio furniture cushions, my dad slept on the couch, Mom slept on a cot, and Heidi and I shared my futon mattress. So of course I woke up early, which was fine because I got a nice run in at 7:30 before it got too incredibly sticky.

When I got back Rachael Jensema was here and I explained to her all about my summer job. She was so interested, it was fun! Then I showered off, read a bit, and headed over to church with Heidi to help my Mom do some Vacation Bible School (VBS) prep work. I get to be the leader of the tribe of Judah! Yay! We painted a mural on a refrigerator box, went home and had french toast. Watched Iron Will, then went to the library with Amy to check out some Spanish-English books, and also picked up a book about the 4th dimension. Mike came over around 4ish--he had slept through class :-P And we all just hung out. We added a little bit to our Cinderella script...Mike wanted to add the Fairy G-brutha to the Fairy Godmother's part...wow...this video would be nothing without his creative jucies! Later, my sisters and I all started practicing "Lullabye" (Goodnight my Angel) by Billy Joel, a four part harmony acapella. So cool! And that brings us to now.

Okay so back tracking a lil bit, my luggage got left in Atlanta AGAIN! And when I finally got it back, my shampoo bottle had broken and emptied all of its contents all over my clothes. Bah.

I have the cutest dog EVER!!! You seriously can't get cuter than Tucker. Hehe! Poor guy is so warm, he's panting really hard right now.

I remember how small Sheboygan really is when I bump into four random people I know within a couple hours of being home.

Oh and you'll never guess who Heidi and I ran into last night at 10:30 pm along the lake. Nicole Sebald!!! (Haven't seen her since senior year of high school when we bumped into each other at Sears...and she left our school after sophomore year I think.) Wow...so we talked for like half an hour at least about her life mostly, and of course I don't believe in coincidences and I felt I was supposed to say something. So I offered her a ride numerous times but she declined each time (she was with a guy who was somewhere else at the time) but when we parted I felt I had failed or not said what I was supposed to, but I didn't know what I was supposed to say. :(

Gotta remember to tape the launch tomorrow morning. Thankfully, because of my job I'll be able to go back to KSC for the Atlantis launch, so even though I'm home for Discovery I'll still get to see Atlantis up close and personal. :)

Alright so I'm leaving now and calling Mike to see where he disappeared too. Such a free spirit... :) Looks like we're in for storms tonight! Tornado perhaps?

wisconsin, tucker, nature, mike, family, vbs

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