Apr 02, 2009 23:30
I had a wonderful spring break. The SWT meeting breaking it up made it go all too fast, however. I really didn't want to leave. Because of the meeting and all the wedding stuff (and my general lack of transportation) I wasn't able to see nearly everyone that I wanted to. I was thankful to see the ones I did, however. For instance had the wedding not been then, I doubt I would have seen Andy this weekend. It's really hard to reconnect to people at that deep level again when you only see them for a few days though. It's also impossible to make everyone happy, which really stressed me out and caused a breakdown at one point. Arg I really am becoming a Debbie Downer--I meant to write about how much I loved break but now I'm complaining about it. :-P I especially enjoyed going to the beach (even though it was so windy two of the days!) and swimming in the warm ocean. It was like, a craving, an unexplainable need, to go to the beach. Perhaps it is because it is still cold here...But I wanted nothing more than the warm sun rays to heat my skin and to enjoy the exciting rush of the water.
Mike has been super busy with classes, 20 hours of co-op at Kennedy (plus an hour drive there and back), and his senior design project. So I made it a project to help him apply to jobs out here. We revamped his resume so it all fits onto one page and have some cover letters. I'm quite proud of the result. I've been doing searches at local companies such as Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. So far Northrop has been the only place with openings, and they had a bunch, so we sent off the job ID numbers to my friend Luke (from NASA Academy) along with his resume and cover letter. I also updated his Raytheon account, but most of the job matches aren't good. John Deere and Caterpillar aren't even hiring. Boeing turned out a flop. I sent an email to the LA-area listserv for the Academy to see if anyone is interested. We'll keep at it, and see where this eventually goes. I feel like his resume looks uber impressive now...it's too bad about the grades thing. In my opinion, proven experience far outweighs a GPA (and I score thusly on the Academy apps).
I finished my 205B homework today. It feels good to be able to figure out stuff I know I wouldn't have a year ago (at least not so easily). It's a great review for my oral, and the homeworks are helping me practice for it. I need to keep reading through Kivelson and Russell though--I made good progress on the plane during spring break but I haven't picked it up since then.
I also talked to Sarah for 2 hours tonight about her trip to Nicuragua and I helped her with some Spanish homework. That's one reason I'm up so late now even though I'm tired...it feels like I don't have much time at home after coming home, and most of that time is spent sitting in front of my computer just as I have all day. Well, last night was fun--we went to Kate's house to watch the extended version of LOTR the Fellowship on her huge TV set. It was the 1st time Amanda and I had seen the extended edition, and we really liked it! A lot more made sense in the story line than in the original (ignoring the fact that one has read the books countless times). Most notably, in the original, Galadriel says that the ring of power betrays Isildur, and all we see is his head body floating in the river. We have no idea how the ring "betrayed" him at all. But in the extended version, we see how he put the ring on in order to disappear from sight, then jumps in the river where the ring slips off his finger. He is then visible again and the archers promptly kill him. I think this version does a better job of showing that the ring in fact has an intent of its own. As Arianna said, once you see the extended, there is no going back!
I also got the 2nd book in the Sword of Truth series from the library. Stupid library only lets you borrow it for 3 weeks, and the book is huge! I don't have time to sit and read for hours on my front porch like I did pre-college, and I mostly enjoy reading in bed for a bit and on the bus (though I've taken to reading K&R on the bus). So I am afraid I won't finish in time, because even though they allow a renewal, they don't allow it if someone has reserved it, which I'm sure someone has because I was like 5th in line or so when *I* reserved it. Well worst case I can get in line again or go visit the Santa Monica library (which looks a lot bigger and awesomer!!!)
grad school,