Oct 29, 2007 07:47
Okay...so I hate to admit it...but...Mike was right...When we lived in Sheboygan, he told me that the sound of the waves from Lake Michigan (which is a peasly few blocks from my house) reminded him of growing up and hearing the 405. (The 405, for any who do not know, is the huge artery that goes through LA, is probably the most famous freeway out here, and is always crammed full of cars any time of day or night.) I always scoffed--how could a MAN CREATED ambient noise sound ANYTHING like the angry waves on a windy day from a pure, natural, precious Lake? Well...now that I've been living out here and have my bedroom window open and can hear the (very distant) yet constant hum of traffic, it DOES in fact sound very much like the waves from the Lake when you're at my house.