Picture Update

Aug 19, 2007 02:28

So remember the "cool rock" from my last photo update? The one I couldn't find a path to? Well I climbed up the hill by the SSL at Berkeley (instead of down on the Fire Trail) and FOUND IT! I don't know why I was somewhat obsessed with finding this rock, but I felt very accomplished when I did. This is a picture of me running down to the rock--I didn't turn around in time before the camera's timer went off. And here is a picture of my head in the foreground and the rock in the background.

I also got a bunch of cool shots of the surrounding area. On my way up, I photographed Oakland below. (At least I think it was Oakland--all the cities tend to run together.)

I found an almost non-existent path climbing to the very top of the hill--it was so steep that I had to grab onto roots and stumps that were sticking out of the ground--but the climb was well worth it. I could see city-scape on one side of the hill, and endless barren hills on the other side. (More hills I also caught a glimpse of this poster, which I found very helpful and was glad to learn some hints in case I encountered a mountian lion.

I had to race back down though in order to catch the last bus going down the hill. I did take the time, though, to take a quick photo of the random goats that were penned up on the hillside. Back on Berkeley's main campus, I spent a little more time meandering and taking pictures. One cool thing I found was this weird water fountain that had 3 spouts all pointing towards the middle. There was also a sun dial that had been donated by one of the previous classes.

The hotel I'm staying at is nice, but it has a few flaws. 1) When lots of ppl are online, you can't get onto the internet. 2)The showers flucuate between scalding hot and shooting ice cubes. There's no transition period. Makes showering interesting. 3) The headboard for the bed is floating...yes, floating, above the bed! Okay so I don' really care but I found it very hilarious, that the headboard isn't even a part of the bed; it's just for show like a picture hanging on the wall!

So today I went to San Francisco, as you may have read in my previous post. Here's a picture of Alcatraz up and personal, and one with Jenni and I in the foreground. Here is a picture of the Bay Bridge from on top of that hill by the tower I described. Once Marc uploads his pictures I'll have a bunch more with Nicole and me in them.

Finally, here is a picture of the awesome spray-paint rendition of San Francisco. It really doesn't do it justice; you'd have to see it in real life to get full respect for it.

nature, jenni, berkeley, pictures

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