Apple appears to be sabotaging people who fail to upgrade their Mac's to the latest and greatest OS X releases.
My office mac is on OS X 10.9.5 It is two years old. About a month ago I discovered that ad block plus no longer worked in safari.
25 days ago I investigated and got:
Extensions in this gallery are compatible with Safari 9.0 or later on OS X El Capitan. Please upgrade to OS X El Capitan which includes Safari 9.0.
I was on Safari 9.1.2, so this message puzzled me. "El Capitan" was meaningless to me, but surely any OS version that supported later browser releases would be fine.
I posted to, got a downvote to my question (how dare I ask!) along with a comment that the implied that El Capitan was 10.11.0
Behaviour went from bad to worse. I'm attaching the following as comments to a crash report that's being sent automatically to apple - and probably not being read:
It appears that you’ve sabotaged older releases. Safari has been unusable for days, doubtless due to all the advertisements it’s downloading. Adblock plus stopped working approximately 25 days ago, and the error message told me
Extensions in this gallery are compatible with Safari 9.0 or later on OS X El Capitan. Please upgrade to OS X El Capitan which includes Safari 9.0.
I was running Safari 9.1.2 at the time, so this puzzled me. I was on OS X 10.9.5 - which presumably must have been at or before El Capitan, since it could run the more up to date web browser. Someone eventually clued me in that El Capitan is 10.11.0 - and I’m SOL unless I upgrade.
Things went from bad to worse, reaching unusability approximately 2 days ago. (The browser was constantly waiting for downloads, after being killed and restarted so as to install the latest flash - it refused to run the older one.) Today I installed the latest patches from Apple, which required restarting Safari. It briefly worked better - I could attempt to check the extensions site, but unfortunately access to it timed out, whether from Safari or (having captured the URL) from a non-Apple browser. I checked the apple outage site, and everything is supposedly up.
And now your POC browser is crashing. Congratulations on your excellent quality control, guaranteed to motivate your customers to upgrade.
Apple is welcome to do one or more anatomically impossible acts with itself.
Company policy is that the only way I can upgrade the OS on this box is to have them completely wipe out the disk and reinstall from scratch. Even if I succeed in backing up 466 GB somewhere, I'll still be out of commission for ages as I reconfigure everything in sight, not to mention doubtless learning once again how to use every tool on the system, and their new "improved" interfaces.
Of course that policy doesn't exist in a vacuum. I presume that, as with other OSes, you can usually upgrade A to B, but if you go from A to B to C, the result is likely to function extremely badly. IT presumably got sick of it, just as I did with various linux distros exhibiting the same problem.
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