Sporting and others

Jul 08, 2022 22:36

I am old. And since I'm super sore that means that I did end up playing soccer after work.

Soccer fun
One of the young (late 20s?) girls in my department is an organizer and she's been trying to get people to join. I don't know if I would have joined if she wasn't so tenacious. Yesterday, it was the first game that I attended. I got there a little after 5 pm (changed in the car which included poking contacts in my eyes). There were only a few people there at the time so we did the typical warmup of kicking around and stretching.

I'm guessing closer to 5:30, there were plenty of people and we started a game. I would say each team was probably close to 10 players. We played on a smaller area with little goals (no goalies) so it got congested at times. Like there was lots of traffic, especially near the center of the pitch. I dropped to my natural (old high school) position of left fullback. The organizer from my department played sweeper (on the same team) and she was... physical and aggressive. I'd say some of her tackles would have gotten harsher responses if she were male. So I joked around that she was our enforcer.

Overall, I had a pretty good time, especially after not playing in close to 10 years. It was a mix of ages and skill levels. If there were interns, it is possible that you had people 20 to people older than me. Overall, people were friendly, but played somewhat seriously without being "tryhards". And I somehow played for almost 2 hours before I ended up going home. I heard they play until 8.

And now, I'm really sore: quads and calves are the worst. It's hard to walk down the stairs and when we were walking Alfie earlier, I kept being left behind since I was slower than normal. Next week, Angie's work is having a dinner so I'll skip that week, but I'm fairly excited to play more.

In other news, I received the "performance" air filter for Poppy (my Mini) today. Installation was easy (although I dropped a screw which turned into a big affair since I didn't want to remove the entire undercarriage to find it). I was surprised that the existing air filter, which I'm pretty sure has been changed out already, was pretty dirty and somewhat coming apart. It was a paper filter, which was super thick, with additional foam. Some of the foam was coming off and the air box was pretty dirty. Also, the K&N filter is much thinner. So hopefully the new filter will allow better air flow (and still filter well).

Lightning Returns is still going well. I finished another "main" quest and will probably go around doing random things. Maybe I'll encounter another story quest. If not, I'll try that one which annoyed me previously. Even though I'm enjoying it, I'm looking forward to completing it so that I can play Halo with Angie. Co-op gaming is fun and something that we haven't done recently. (I'm blame the lack of co-op games.)

We're having an addition added to our house. We're mainly expanding a guest bedroom (which is rarely used) out to make a larger space for gathering with lots of windows leading to the back. Above that, we're adding a laundry area and a second floor pseudo-balcony area. So far, they've been digging the foundation, but it feels like it'll be a few days of work, then wait a week for an inspection, then a few days of work before the next inspection. We just had an inspection this week and apparently will need two additional ones before the foundation is complete... But at least there's no major disturbance to our house yet (our backyard just has a trench), and our contractor claims that he'll try to do everything outside before breaking our walls. Today, Angie and I both contacted different window places to get quotes on windows since the contractor had default double hung windows and we both thought casements would be better. The place that I emailed for a quote had an online builder which was had the windows as pretty cheap, but I'm worried that there's fees or other things that'll drive up the price.

And I don't think I have to work this weekend, so that's good =)

sports, work, gaming, football, car

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