Cats and Dogs...

Feb 12, 2019 11:39

Background information: Last summer/fall, we discovered that Jabba has an overactive thyroid. He lost a fair amount of weight and often complained about food (wanting it). So it made sense. When we went for treatment, we also discovered that he has a heart condition. His heart of enlarged (he has too big of a heart!) and they weren't sure if it was because the thyroid issue or if it was a separate issue. So we started Jabba on medication to see if his heart would improve.

So last week, we went to the specialist and did a follow-up with Jabba after his medication (and lower thyroid levels). His heart improved, a little. But he's still at risk for congestive heart problems so they did not recommend going forward with Iodine radiation treatment, which would have "cured" his thyroid condition. But the medication has been working so we're going to use that. He didn't have any side effects. Giving him doses twice daily isn't the worst thing in the world, but the pharmacy is remarkably slow refilling the prescription. I wish they could just have infinite refills for his medication since he'll have it for the rest of his life.

The biggest take away is that Jabba could have heart problems at any point. It's good that he has no signs or effects yet. The heart specialist said to monitor his breaths during sleep so we've been doing that. So far, so good. Poor Jabba.

It feels like we often run into other dogs while walking Alfie, but maybe it's just because we walk him so much (twice a day most days; a mile then 1.5-2 miles). But last week, we encountered another dog that was loose. Over the years, I feel like I've been more aggressive towards stopping the other day after a few incidents. The other dog was pretty big, but luckily he was very friendly. Alfie is annoying so he barks while running away and they were running around me (since I tried to grab the other dog). So afterwards, I noticed that I was scraped up. Anyway, Angie eventually got Alfie (who I had his leash originally, but drop it to try to grab the other dog) and I had the other dog. He was a really big so it was hard to walk him around. Eventually someone came out and recognized the dog. (They were barking enough, you'd think someone would have looked out earlier, but whatever.)

In other news, I started watching Mobile Suit Gundam (or Gundam 0079), which was the original Gundam series from 1979. So far, it's pretty good. It has several things based on it's target audience like how the major characters are teenagers and how many of the older soldiers are out of touch or don't understand the situation. Also, since it's from 1979, there are several casaul scenes of men smacking women. But I like that it's a war and both sides are shown as real people. It's also such a landmark series. I'm 12 episodes out of 43 so I'll see if I continue with the massive amount of Gundam material afterwards.

Assassin's Creed III
I'm enjoying ACIII a good amount right now. I think the wilderness aspects are terrible and I kind of enjoy the management/trading and ship parts. I'm not sure if I like the Colonial America cities since they're not very good for climbing and jumping around rooftops (the space between buildings are too large). But for how negatively it was received, I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would. I definitely am interested in Black Flag and Rogue now since I enjoy the sailing/ship aspects.

Deadly Class
After three episodes of Deadly Class, we gave up on it. It sounded really good: an assassin school show based on a comic series that's produced by the Russo's. But after a few episodes, I feel there's way too much focus on teenage drama. There were already a house party and Carrie-like school dance episodes! And maybe I had a very difference experience in high school, but I can never get into shows that are so extreme in how much school sucks and cliches and whatever.

But I'll just watch The Passage and The Gifted (both just okay at best). Oh, there's several half hour comedies, which are actually good like Brooklyn Nine-Nine (the best) and stuff like Fresh Off the Boat (got bad but better now), The Good Place (good then got bad), possibly something else. I guess that's why we have to supplement our tv with so much foreign shows, which are also of varying quality, but at least have interesting premises.

pets, gaming, television

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