the cold, technology, and sports

Jan 31, 2019 13:49

It's really cold today. This morning, it was about 5°F (-15°C) with a wind chill estimated to be about -10 to -15°F (~-25°C). Angie's car didn't start. I tried to jump it but that didn't help. And we were planning to get the battery replaced, but that's this weekend. So she got a ride to work. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump it when the weather gets warmer in the next few days (a balmy 37°F on Saturday). If not, I guess I'll have to try to change the battery myself withe help from the internet. And my office area is also very cold. It was 15.5°C (under 60°F) when I got here this morning. And I had a meeting so I didn't get to my desk until about 10 AM. I was told that there was ice on the INSIDE of the windows when people got here this morning...

In other news, I'm going to try to upgrade Angie's laptop this weekend. We'll try to max out her RAM to 16 GB DDR3-1600 MHz and swap her hard drive with a solid state hard drive. I imagine doing these two things will greatly increase the speed at which it operates. I think her biggest current complaint is how long it takes to turn on/off, which a SSD will definitely improve. A coworker said that when he swap his old laptop with a SSD, it went from over 1 minute to 11 seconds.

And since we're heading up towards the computer parts store, we'll also eat somewhere around there. We went to a conveyor belt sushi place that we are leaning towards.

And then on Sunday, we're doing Chinese New Year (with Angie's side of the family; I was able to move my family's gathering)... So I'll have to watch the Superbowl on delay. At least it's not the previous two years with Atlanta and Philly playing in it. I'll root for the Rams, but that's more from the anti-NE point of view than actually liking the Rams. I'll see how late it is when I start and determine how much fast forwarding I want to do. Also, are the commercials worth it?

And finally, "my boy" Neymar is apparently hurt... again. I was actually looking forward to the PSG/Man United Champions League games. Overall, I was rooting for PSG in the Champs League. I actually think Neymar get's a bit too much press for diving. He dives and exaggerates it; I'm not saying that he doesn't. But I definitely don't think he's the worst offender. I'd say he more exaggerates when he legitimately get's fouled versus people who really dives (pretending to get fouled) much more. If anything, I think his lack of pretending to play defense is what I'd be most against with him. Oh, and I think I'm going with Arsenal as my English Premier League team to support. It's great this attempt at European football since post-Superbowl, there's nothing interesting for several sporting months.

sports, holiday, football

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