Thoughts on Trump (jumbled and unorganized)

Nov 16, 2016 10:11

Walking this morning, I was thinking how its still a bit unbelievable that Trump won the election. Its weird that he got away with so many comments that would have sunk other political campaigns. But it's probably what Angie says: he says so many crazy, stupid things, that people just ignore it. I also think he really benefited from the media, even though he complains about it being against him (which it is). But the wall-to-wall Trump coverage allowed him to reach tons of "uneducated, rural, whites" and I guess get his message out.

I actually think its very funny that he won basically due to poor people. His propose economic plan seems to be very standard Republican, which typically isn't seen as benefiting poor people. Like tax cuts to the wealthy are typically something that the poor are normally very against. But I guess its the "uneducated" part of his voting block.

And in the grand scheme of things, I think I'm actually much more against Trump as a speaker, leader, and person than his actual proposed policies. Eh, I guess his foreign policy seems terrible, so that's pretty major. But I actually imagine that he'll majorly back off what he said since he's already backing off his campaign promises/rhetoric. So I think he'll probably have tax cuts and some immigration reform, although I imagine he won't actually have a physical wall built. They'll repeal Obamacare (which I do no like), but who knows what they'll replace it with. I doubt it'll be good. So I guess my big apprehension is foreign policy/international relations, especially since that's where Presidents have lots of power and his personality comes into play the most. Oh, and if he redoes the trade deals, I imagine consumer products will get more expensive (and our benefit is somewhat crappy jobs?).

But whatever, I feel like my predictive powers have been pretty bad lately, so maybe we'll all be surprised and Trump will actually bring "change" and revive the coal industry or something.


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