Back in NJ

Nov 15, 2016 13:59

I'm back from our vacation and boy were we shocked on Election Day. I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I was very surprised that someone with the controversy of Trump could win the presidency. It really seems like a normal candidate would have been sunk by any of the numerous things that Trump did. But whatever, I just under-estimated how the US is controlled by "uneducated, rural, white voters". But I guess in foreign media, Americans are reduced that the Texas or hick stereotypes. I guess they know the US better than me.

Anyway, vacation was good. Like it wasn't the best vacation, but it was a good break. We went to Florida (Orlando area) for a few days and went to Kennedy Space Center, Universal, then went on a Disney cruise before returning to that area to go to Disney (Magic Kingdom). It was a family vacation with Angie's side so there were lots of kids after the first few days. Overall, it was very fun and I greatly enjoyed Kennedy Space Center; that was probably my favorite part of the trip. I'll probably do a more thorough vacation post (or series) later.

Currently, I'm at a professional conference, which is a good way to transition back to work. So Monday to Wednesday this week, it'll be pretty light and then I'll have some work before Thanksgiving.

While we were on the cruise, we saw Doctor Strange, which was okay. I didn't think it was too good, possibly the worst Marvel movie. In general, I think Stephen Strange was just so unlikable and he really didn't change or grow as a character. The "magic" world also didn't really feel very different and it didn't feel like it was really developed. Its kind of like their magic is just like Scarlet Witch's powers. Its just there and let's them fight, which isn't terrible, but the movie really didn't have much else. I also thought Rachel McAdams's character was fairly pointless and just a forced love interest. I actually thought the Ancient One was the most interesting part of the movie and could have been expanded upon more than whatever they decided to focus on. But whatever, we didn't have to pay for it which is good since neither of us were excited about it.

news, vacation, movies

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