Gaming Style Test

Jul 28, 2015 15:53

I took this "Gaming Style" survey ( Since I don't like signing up for random things, I'll just describe myself based on the results, although they do have a nice graph.

It says my Gaming Style is: Fast-Paced, Proficient, Driven, Independent, and Grounded.

Action - 40% Destruction - 15%; Excitement - 73%
I do think I value fast paced action (their examples are Halo, Street Fighter, and Injustice) much more than mindless destruction. To me, the destruction is just a means to accomplish whatever goals I have. And I never had the desire to kill my Sims.

Mastery - 81% Challenge - 48%; Strategy - 94%
While I do appreciate games that require learning and skill, I really love strategy, resource management, and the like. So this seems to be descriptive of me.

Achievement - 71% Completion - 72%; Power - 66%
I'm actually surprised that my completion is so high, but that might have been around how I need to find all characters in RPGs. Its probably less achievements in other games, but definitely in RPGs, I try to get most things. And I guess I don't min/max as much as try to play games with an eye on the system, hence a lower power score than it would have been when I was younger.

Social - 28% Competition - 30%; Community 29%
I'm not a very social gamer I guess. Again, I think the competition score would have been higher when I was younger and had friends that I competed against. But now, I really don't care much about online rankings or the like. Same with low community.

Immersion - 6% Fantasy - 4%; Story - 17%
I'm (again) surprised by how low my immersion score is. But I think the way the questions were asked, it may have influenced me. (I don't really want to be someone else.) And I do like story! So I'm surprised, although I do think I'm more about gameplay and mechanics (DnD "Crunch") than theme/story/characters (DnD "Fluff"). But it does seem a bit low. Lower than community?

Creativity - 54% Discovery - 38%; Design - 66%
I do think I don't explore randomly as much as say, Angie does. And I do put effort into my character building and such, although probably less than I used to. Although 66% is still high, I guess.

So to break down the subcategories, I like Excitement, Strategy, Completion, Power, and Design. That actually seems pretty legitimate. Especially from playing lots of board games now, I find that I care primarily about gameplay and design over theme. And when I describe games, its always genre and gameplay over themes and setting.

So overall, a fun and interesting test.

gaming, survey

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