No dog, yes wasps, and lots of raw fish

Jul 27, 2015 15:57

I'm pretty annoyed and disappointed since Angie and I were trying to adopt (a dog!) and someone else got him. I think I'm a bit annoyed that it seemed like the animal shelter didn't just come out and tell us the situation. We were trying to arrange a meet and greet between Scooby (the dog in question) and Lady (our current dog) to make sure they'd get along. So I told the people we wanted to arrange it. They never got back to us so I called last week to remind them. They basically were just like "someone will contact you" and we were never contacted. So that's pretty annoying that they seemed to give us the run around instead of just saying someone else was deep into the adoption process or something was wrong with our adoption or something. So its good that I never figured out a new name for him.

Anyway, our kitchen passed all inspections and allegedly they're doing the finishing touches today. So having it done and getting our life back to normal will be incredibly good. We had both sets of family come over (split between Saturday and Sunday) and everyone seemed to like our new kitchen.

Speaking of which, on Saturday, we had a barbecue and a bee/wasp incident.
So Angie's side of the family came over on Saturday for a barbecue and everything was going as normal. We put the hammock out since the kids like to play on it. It was by a tree for shade. Angie informed her dad that there are bees under the tree, but we've never had issues with them. Her dad didn't seem concerned.

So as I said, everything was going normal and everyone was eating and enjoying themselves. Then I see Nathan come running up and say something about seeing a bee in Rachel's hair. So I look over to the hammock (which had no bees around before) and there's a massive swarm of wasps (according to internet pictures, they're wasps, not bees) around the tree. At that point, Rachel came over yelling about being stung. At that point, I was pretty alarmed and told the two remaining kids (Sam and Jerry) to come over here (away from the tree/hammock). Jerry came over, but Sam was saying how his shoes had bees in them (all the kids took off their shoes to play in the hammock). He was actually quite innocent and cute looking, it was a shame. I then decided to be good and grab him from the swarm. Angie's dad also came over and swatted wasps.

So the kids (mainly Rachel and Jerry) were screaming and Julie and Jasmine brought them inside. The sting count was: Rachel - 5, Jerry - 2, Sam - 2, Angie's dad - 2, and me - 2. While all this was going on, Angie and her mom were collecting herbs from the garden so they came over, very confused. The kids were eventually calmed down (apparently once Rachel was calmed down, everyone else calmed down too). Eventually the kids all looked happy and were playing again (inside now) and we hung out inside.

Overall, everyone seemed to be okay and neither Julie or Jasmine were a crazy "how did you let my angel get stung" person so that's good. They both handled it quite well. So that was our interesting barbecue. And once Angie got rid of the trash bag, the wasps were pretty much gone in a few minutes. So we both think that the juices from fruits were what drew the wasps out. And once the kids had a reaction, they only made it worse. But its hard to blame anyone, although I do feel bad for the incident.

Then on Sunday, my family came over to celebrate my little brothers' birthday (they are twins). So we meet up at my place and went to Sushi Palace in North Edison. We ate a monsterous amount of sashimi, sushi, and random other stuff. Its all you can eat, but you order the food. So after getting super stuffed, we went back to my place and I remembered that we have an ice cream cake. So we opened presents and had cake. Overall, it seemed to go well. Plus everyone was gone by 7, so we could walk Lady.

In other news, Angie and I have been playing Rock Band again and its quite fun.

pets, birthday, food

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