Feb 09, 2012 22:26
Loop 12 /Walton Walker BLVD. More specifically the merge from HWY 114 in Irving near the site of the old Texas Stadium where there is a ton of construction going on.
I had just merged onto Loop 12 southbound on my commute home when traffic came to a dead halt. I am always cognizant of that possibility, especially on this road, so I can to a safe, if very sudden, stop just behind the car in front of me. The car behind me however did not come to a stop until she had smashed into the back end of my little Nissan Versa.
As it wound up, I had fairly minimal damage to my rear bumper and am not really that likely to pursue repair on my car, though I am going to have it checked out to make sure there is not some sort of hidden damage. The woman who hit me is not so fortunate. Her bumper is cracked and displaced, but it is highly likely that the damage did not come from hitting me as it was obvious the only thing holding her bumper in place was a wire clothes hanger someone had rigged to keep the front end together. Typical, though the fact she hit me with an already crumpled bumper very likely is one of the main reasons I did not have more damage on my car that is evident.
Well that, and I am lucky it was not an 18 wheeler bearing down on me. Now to bed and hopefully better sleep than last night's....