If anyone is trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding dark matter, I think I have the answer. It is all coming out of my chest.
Yes, I am still sick as shit. No fever through all this, but the sinuses continue to drain like crazy and the coughing is near out of control and at this point is near spasmodic level. I at least was able to sleep a good 8 hours last night without waking up coughing. However, as soon as I sit up, I start coughing like crazy again. Another side effect of the massive amount of coughing is that I am VERY hoarse now and talking is a chore. I know there are probably some around that would think my inability to talk would be a blessing, but I need my voice for work. If I am still in this kind of shape on Monday, I will have to take another day off and head to the doctor again. Right now, I am hoping that I am well enough for work as I really do not want to take anymore of my PTO days to be sick.
So, being at home all this time, I started craving comfort foods. I attempted chicken and dumplings yesterday, but wound up with something more akin to soup. I also did my mom's cupa-cupa-cupa peach pie which turned out much better, if a little too runny as well. I substituted Splenda for sugar, but like Truvy Jones in Steel Magnolias I cut it with ice cream (well rather Braum,s low-fat sugar free Vanilla frozen yogurt). It tasted just fine.
Sunny is probably tired of me being at home this much. She will half-heartedly chase the ball for awhile, but for some reason saves up her energy for
sparkygearhead 's arrival in the evening. THEN she is ready to play. I have seen way more Olympics than I had planned to and yesterday "Fuera de Carta" or Chef's Special as the English title. It was a cute little film, though a bit soap operaish. The man does get the man in the end, but the film "Cachorro" does far batter in the "gay man having children unexpectedly thrust into his life" genre in my book.
Lord, I am sick of seeing the inside of the house...