Jul 02, 2005 13:34
So Alfie was two days late. Not to mention a really bland movie. Fucker cost me 2 dollars. Saw Jonny and Beth Last night, drank some beer that Beth Insisted on buying. Played some music for our captive audience of Brent and Erica. I of course was on the kit along with Jonny and Matt on guitar and Bass repectively. A good time per the usual "gish groove" days. I really think I want to make Drum and Bass.
Sidenote--Very musical lately. Saw Austin Bridges the other night on accident at Plumps (which is a place that I tend to enjoy) and talked to Ryan Brown. That was nice to see that kid, I havent so much as heard him play in forever. They do covers with these Jammy interludes between the songs. Its pretty cool. Ryan has a drier sense of humor than anyone you know.
Returning --two new castles-- in Jonnys house: Being a good kid that I am, I consumed only two. Brent brought this girl Erica with him. She is a little young (19), but so is brent (21) but whatever, wound up talking to her when he ignored her, found out that her mom is a lesbian who has been with her partner for 10 years now. Very interesting story, somehow got around to talking about Bush, and how much trouble he causes the GLTBQ community. I love it when people way younger than me are aware of whats going on. It gives me hope. Further, I cried a bit yesterday when Sandra Day O'Connor resigned the supreme court. I dont know why-I mean I have no real strong connection with the lady personally, but amidst a sea of abortion rights descisions and the woman who has cast the deciding vote in many a controvercial case, It was a little sad to see her go-that and there is now going to be two vacancies when Rendquist either dies or can no longer move for Bush to fill. This is a frightening proposition for sure.
Also, my dad has found the key link to figuring out who his father is. Apparently I am descended from Samuel Peirce Duffield of Detroit, who was the surgeon general of Detroit for some time in the late 18-early 19 hundereds. He stomped out smallpox twice. Dad sent me this really long ass geneaology going all the way back to the Duffields that were around in coloniel times. Quite a few presbyterians who became D.D. or L.L. C. in the family tree. Parishoners? Men of the cloth in my family? Ha. Its just funny. If you know me, its funny. It will be interesting to actually nail down that half of my family tree, I mean with me going to NYC and all, if I go to Ellis Island I am sure that I will find something.
Speaking of which, I have a much better idea of NYC from talking to a few of my choice friends who are interested in my trip to NYC. Coney Island for sure to see some freakshows, and well, I am not going to detail out all my plans here because I am sick of typing.
thanks for reading.