yay, it's finally done! my fanmix. it's brian/justin, set during the ethan arc, i'd say from about 217 all the way through the reunion in 308. pov shifts between brian and justin. there's a lot of ~angst~ and ~anger~ and ~pain~, just fyi (like you needed to be warned). um, i don't really know what else to say, so.
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Feist is amazing -- at least that song is. I love how old fashioned it sounds -- such a brilliant choice to the story its' lyrics tell. I've been listening to it non-stop lately and every time I hear it I just think what a remarkable job you did choosing it. Amazing!
Another song I just love is Straylight Run -- my gosh, is that such an incredible song. I just love the way it sounds. I mean, if I think of it in terms of what it is talking about in relation to B/J, it's rather sad. But the song itself, with the beat and the singer's voice -- I really like it.
Muse is unbelievable. I know I already talked about it, but I was listening to it today and it's really a perfect song -- the sound and everything. The into alone is something I can imagine being played during a B/J scene in Qaf.
You did such a good job, Lauren! -huggles-
Why is that video so short?! -cries- It's an incredible video, but it was like it was just a teaser to the actual video. O_O That's . . . not right at all. Gosh, that song is so beautiful! It reminds me of an alluring french song.
it does sound old fashioned. i love it, and it's not even my favorite of theirs. it has a melancholy feel to it, but, especially regarding b/j, i don't get the feeling that the situation is hopeless, you know? and i'm kind of in love with this picture of the singer.
again, another song i love, yet it's not my favorite of theirs. which should give some hint as to how awesome they are. it is really sad for b/j, which is why i put it at the beginning of the mix. i associate with 219-ish.
i love muse like whoa. they're a band where i get the sense the singer really means what he's singing, and he puts a lot of feeling into his songs. i tink the one i chose is a really good brian song.
thank you so much! i'm flattered people seem to like it so much :D
i know! everytime i watch it i wish it was longer. the song does sound french, you're right. it's such a gorgeous song.
Yah, Now At Last is a really good combination of melancholy yet hope. I think it is the singer's voice that saves the song and makes you (me, at least) feel good inside, rather than depressed. And I really like that picture too.
i think the one i chose is a really good brian song.
Ooh, yes, I do believe you are right. Maybe tomorrow, could you tell me whose POV you think of with each song? Or maybe when you have a song belonging to a specific B/J moment? I'd love to know what you thought of for each song.
the song does sound french
-thinks of loretta- Seems like those french songs always sneak in somehow! Hehe.
yes, i think that's it. i don't know how to describe it, but she doesn't sound depressed. wistful, maybe. she's really pretty.
i sure could! i love talking about it, ha. i think pretty much all of them i associate with a particular moment, or at least time period.
ha, i thought of that too.
1 - i associate this with 218. i think justin going to vermont without brian was pretty much the beginning of the end for them. i tend to think of it as being from justin's pov, but the line i can feel you're letting go makes me see it as brian's pov. i think it works either way.
2 - justin's pov, obviously. it has to be after 218, since justin doesn't have sex with ethan till the end of that episode. i see it as the beginning of 219, with but how can i when you still don't know? referring to when justin almost told brian about ethan in the shower. we know justin's good at denial, and although brian i'm sure knew about ethan (or rather, the concept of him, he knew something was wrong) at this point, i think justin managed to convince himself he didn't.
3 - brian's pov, i'm thinking 220. replacing old dreams with flattery from new loves is very much what was going on with justin. as much as brian loves justin, i think he always expected justin would leave him, and i bet he even thinks justin would be better off without him.
4 - justin's pov, around 301. this song is so what justin thinks of brian at this point, it's uncanny. so much heartbreak, i think it really fits with how justin was feeling right after the break up.
5 - justin's pov, 301 again. i think he was angry at brian, and that shows in the lyrics.
6 - i tend to associate this with brian, although it could work for either. 301. i'm sure, especially when he was drunk, brian at times still expected justin to be in bed with him.
7 - brian's pov, although again it could be either of them. i think the fact that brian was still following the rules even though justin was gone fits into the song. and but the truth is that i've never fallen so hard makes it sound like he's fallen before, and even though it's the first relationship for both brian and justin, brian's had more life experience, so i tend to think of him.
8 - brian's pov, 302. justin changed him, and the things he did before justin came along aren't as satisfying. also, we know he's lonely, and he's trying to hang out with michael all the time.
9 - brian's pov, 304. at the end, when brian tells justin "shouldn't you be getting back to your boyfriend," i think he's referring to himself, and that fits with if not, leave him for me, although the whole song works for brian.
10 - justin's pov, 307 after the break up. justin's jaded after he finds out ethan cheated on him, and doesn't believe in romance anymore.
11 - justin's pov, between 307 and 308, like the month he's been living with daphne. even though he tries, he can't stop thinking about brian, and he doesn't know what to do about that.
12 - justin's pov, the beginning of 308. "what do you do when you realize you made the worst mistake of you stupid, pathetic life." or something like that.
13 - justin's pov, 308. the conversation in brian's office: "even though i've made a few mistakes, i think you'd be making an even bigger one not to give me a second chance" and all that.
14 - i see it as brian's pov, although it could be either. reunion!sex, or the sex they had when they got back to the loft (because you know they went there and had more sex afterwards).
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