
Sep 05, 2005 09:21

A little while ago, inishglora reported that the word "epiphany" had been popping up in his life with unusual frequency.

Well, I am now being oddly haunted by a quotation:

Be the change you want to see in the world.*

I have seen or heard this at least five times in the last week. It was said to me by the organizer of WGGAN when we met to discuss my internship (not wholly surprising in that context). It was spoken by a character in a police procedural show that I just happened to flip to. It was a highlighted quote -- in large, bold type -- in an article in a women's magazine I happened to peruse. Yesterday, I received a new catalog from title nine, a sports and outdoor clothing company for women. It features non-model-y women as models and usually has mini-profiles next to their pictures. I read the following about Monica: Occupation: Full-time mom; Sport: Telemark skiing; Saying: Be the change you want to see.

OK, is somebody trying to tell me something?

* I have seen the quotation in this form. The original statement by Mahatma Ghandi was: You must be the change you wish to see in the world
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