Jan 01, 2020 12:30

All my stories are now archived at storiesimakeup (the masterlist for that can be found here), so you can find everything* there! But I haven't deleted the stuff originally posted here, so here's is a quick reference to all of my fic**:

Supernatural Fic


Title: Though There's Nothing Left to Say
Date: September 2009
Genre: Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Spoilers: Through 5x02
Word Count: 1165
Rating: R
Summary: The first time Dean kisses Sam, he whispers, "This won't last forever."

Title: I Like to Know You're There
Date: October 2009
Genre: Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Spoilers: Takes place post The End
Word Count: 1300
Rating: Adult
Summary: There was a time, Dean remembers, when he would have given a limb to keep Sam at his side. He's not exactly sure when that changed.
Notes: Sequel to Though There's Nothing Left to Say

Title: When It's Done
Date: November 2009
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 5k
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dean's not sure he and Sam have a beginning.

Title: Now We Are Awake
Date: May 2010
Genre: Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Spoilers: Takes place post Swan Song
Word Count: 2095
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He was never supposed to survive this.

Title: BC Bud
Date: July 2010
Genre: Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Spoilers: None (Preseries)
Word Count: 2300
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Underage (teenage!Winchesters)
Summary: The boys get stoned together for the first time and it doesn't quite go as Dean expected.


Title: The Storm Is Rolling In
Date: May 2009
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Takes place between "When the Levee Breaks" and "Lucifer Rising"
Rating: R
Summary: So, definitely dreaming and a girl, apparently. Dean is strangely okay with this.

Title: If You Really Want to Know Devotion
Date: August 2009
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Through S4
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Castiel asks Dean what he wants.

Title: On the Shores of the Great Lake
Date: January 2010
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: 11,000
Spoilers:Summary: The problem with the war between Heaven and Hell is that it’s never actually over. The problem with being one of God’s chosen warriors is that you can always get called back into the fray.


Title: Strategic Maneuvering
Date: May 2009
POV: Castiel
Spoilers: When the Levee Breaks
Word Count: 500
Summary: Castiel was assigned to Dean Winchester for a reason.

Title: Lessons Learned
Date: May 2009
POV: Castiel
Spoilers: The Rapture
Word Count: 470
Summary: Dean thinks that Castiel can read his mind, and Castiel doesn't feel the need to correct him on this.

Title: Course of Action
Date: May 2009
POV: Castiel
Spoilers: On the Head of a Pin
Word Count: 620
Summary: Castiel likes to watch Dean Winchester sleep.

Title: The Cards Fall Where They May
Date: May 2009
POV: Castiel
Spoilers: Vague for Lucifer Rising I suppose
Word Count: 730
Summary: As far as he can tell, Castiel made at least one grave miscalculation regarding Dean Winchester.

Title: You Stood Witness To Yourself
Date: August 2009
POV: Dean
Spoilers: Lucifer Rising
Word Count 1000
Summary: Die young and leave a pretty corpse.

Title: From The Start (It Fell Apart)
Date: August 2009
POV: Dean
Spoilers: Through S4
Word Count: 1200
Summary: The first time Dean ever fancied himself in love, he was just old enough to be completely stupid about it.

Title: So Far Gone
Date: October 2009
POV: Castiel
Spoilers: For 5x04
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Sam made Dean human. Dean made Cas human. That equation is off, but Cas is usually too stoned to remember why. The punchline goes something like this: By the time Cas gained his humanity, Dean had been all but stripped of his.

Title: In These Losing Fights
Date: October 2009
POV: Dean
Spoilers: For 5x04
Word Count: 2000
Summary: Dean's goodbye to Sam is meant to be final and without regret.
Notes: In the same universe as this story, though you don't have to read that for this to make sense.

Title: Here We Can Rest Safely
Date: November 2009
POV: Dean
Word Count: 1400
Summary: Sometimes Happily Ever After takes a few tries. Notes: This serves as a prequel to When It's Done, but can be read as a stand-alone. Entirely gen.

Title: The Bitter Taste of Smoke
Date: September 2010
POV: Dean
Spoilers: Through S5
Word Count: 2100
Summary: Civilian life is an adjustment. Dean is doing the best he can.

Title: A Thousand Words (Give or Take)
Date: December 2010
POV: Dean
Spoilers: Vague S6 spoilers
Word Count: 640
Summary: Dean finds Sam's sketchbook.

Title: Snowbot
Date: December 2010
POV: Dean
Spoilers: Vague S6 spoilers
Word Count: 250
Summary: Sam makes a snowman.

Humor/Crack Fic

Title: Golden Unicorns
Date: May 2009
Genre: Gen
Warnings: Complete absurdity
Summary: With Uriel gone, Castiel is totally the funniest one in the garrison.

Title: Dean wakes up a Pirate
Date: May 2009
Genre: Gen
Summary: Dean wakes up a pirate

Title: Dean wakes up a Dog
Date:July 2009
Genre: Gen
Summary: Dean wakes up a dog.

Title: Trying To Find Some, Somewhere
Date: August 2009
Genre: Crackfic, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through S4
Warnings: Hints of Castiel/Dean, Sam/Lucifer
Summary: Dean doesn't know quite what he expected from the Apocalypse, but this sure as hell wasn’t it.

Title: Let's Count the Ways (that Lucifer Can Suck It)
Date: August 2009
Genre: Crackfic, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through S4
Warnings: Unfinished. Really, really cracked out.
Summary: "Anyway, about this apocalypse..." He consults His Blackberry again. "Yeah, right now is just not going to work for me." He runs through His calendar. "No time this Millennia, really."

Title: Crackfic too ridiculous to title (to make up for so much angsty fic)
Date: September 2009
Summary: Sam turns into a chipmunk. Spoilerish for 5x02.

Supernatural Coda Fics - (All codas are GEN unless otherwise marked)

Sympathy For the Devil Coda - Sam remembers watching Dean die.

Good God, Y'all Coda - Dean sits there for awhile, the sun beating down on his back, and thinks about nothing, forcefully and with everything he has.

Free to be You and Me Coda - If there is one thing in life that Sam should know, it is the one thing that always seems to catch him off guard. If there's one lesson life's taught him, it's this - it can always get worse.

The End Coda - They stop for the night when they pass a motel sign and the silence in the confines of the car, awkward and oppressive, has finally gotten to Dean.

Fallen Idol Coda - "He's not my ultimate hero, you know," Sam says.

Changing Channels Coda - For all their talk, Team Heaven sure seems uptight and panicky about something they keep insisting is inevitable. The more they talk, the less Dean is sold on their so-called destiny

Changing Channels Coda continued… - As far as Dean's concerned, that's the end of it. He made it perfectly clear that Dr. Sexy and all Dr. Sexy related queries were off the table as conversation topics.

The Song Remains the Same Coda - "And if you could save Mom? What would you say?"

The Dark Side of the Moon Coda - If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Point of No Return Coda (Castiel) - He's got dark hair and piercing blue eyes, a rumpled shirt under his coat and he looks as beaten down by life as Richard's ever seen. And Richard's seen beaten down a time or two in his day.

Point of No Return Coda (Sam and Dean) - "Found my faith, Bobby." He shakes his head and laughs at himself. "Damnedest thing. It's always the last place you think to look."

Swan Song:
Carver Edlund Writes - A note to my readers
Sam - "Sam, I cannot presume to know God's will, but why do you think He brought you back now, to this place?"
Dean - Dean can't go after God, so he prays instead. The irony isn't lost on him.

Exile On Main Street Coda - More than most, Dean knows about being careful what you wish for.

Live Free or Twihard Coda - Dean can feel the power thrumming through his veins, the vampire blood like an electric current buzzing under his skin. (Warning: Wincesty and R-rated)

Family Matters Coda - They stop at a motel for the night. Not that it matters, Sam could drive since he apparently doesn't sleep.


Big Bang 2010

Title: In Becoming Who We Are
Pairing: Jensen/JDM, Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~82,700

Summary: Fresh out of school with a degree from the University of Washington, Jensen meets and falls for Jeff Morgan. He may not know what he wants to do with his life, but for the first time since leaving Texas, he feels like things are coming together. Jeff seems like the perfect guy, right up until it all falls apart, and Jensen is left wondering where he went wrong.

A couple failed relationships and a few years later, Jensen's decided that one-night stands are preferable to dates. He's got his friends and his roommate, Sophia, for everything non-sex related, after all. Until Sophia decides to move in with her boyfriend and Jensen's stuck trying to find a new roommate. At Sophia's insistence, Jensen meets Jared Padalecki and the two become fast friends. Only, the more they get to know each other, the more obvious it is that there's something there. But Jensen is unwilling to risk losing Jared's friendship for the possibility of more. Unfortunately, if he doesn't get things figured out, he might lose Jared anyway.


Title: Lesser Men (Have Put Up Better Fights)
Date: July 2010
Pairing: Misha/Clare
Word Count: 2600
Rating: R
Notes: Takes place about three years prior to In Becoming Who We Are
Summary: Misha knows better in so many ways, but when has that ever made a difference?

Title: If You Don't Ask, You'll Never Know
Date: July 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 3500
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Takes place a few months after IBWWA ends.
Summary: Jared wants to try something different.

Title: The Way It's Meant To Be
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 2400
Rating: NC-17
Notes: It takes place about a year into Jared and Jensen's relationship.
Summary: Jared missed Jensen over Christmas vacation.

Title: The One Who Wants You
Date: December 2010
POV: Jared
Word Count: 550
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prior to their meeting, Jared knew two different Jensens.


Title: Just Give Up and Admit You're an Asshole
Date: December 2009
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, some Jensen/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: Approximately 9K
Warnings: The working title for this was, J2 in which Jensen is a dick. So, there's that.
Summary: Looking back on it, Jensen thinks that his mistake was in not just fucking Jared straight off.

Title: And a Starbucks on Every Corner (Amen!)
Date: February 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Jensen enjoys his morning coffee. Jared enjoys Jensen's enjoyment.

Title: The Storm Outside and the Fire Bright
Date: March 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: Approximately 7K
Summary: In which the weather sucks, the power is out and cuddles just sort of happen.

Title: Little Pink Sweater
Date: November 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 1000
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jensen has a nemesis: Jared's little pink sweater.

Title: Mr. April
Date: November 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count:1600
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It doesn't really occur to Jared that the pretty pretty men in the calendar are actual fire fighters.

Title: Forbidden Love: A Tale of Unicorns and Vampires
Date: December 2010
Pairing: vampire!Jared/unicorn!Jensen
Word Count: 840
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jared's a vampire and Jensen's a unicorn. Nobody understands their love!

Title: The Same Thing We Do Every Night
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Summary: Jared will talk to Mr. Gorgeous. Just as soon as he figures out the perfect thing to say.

Title: Two Sizes Too Small
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 1100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jensen's a little Grinchy. Jared's determined to change that.

Title: Oh, Little Elf!
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jared's a poor college student, crap seasonal jobs are practically a requirement.

Title: Accidents Happen
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jensen gets stood up, then drunk.

Title: A Game of Chance
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 420
Rating: PG
Summary: Jared hates shoveling the driveway.

Title: It's the Thought That Counts
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 850
Rating: PG
Summary: Jensen's mom gives him an ugly Christmas sweater he feels obligated to wear.

Title: In a Winter Wonderland
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count:580
Rating: PG
Summary: Jared and Jensen go for a walk in the snow.

Title: The Best Thing About Christmas Morning
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count:450
Rating: PG
Summary: Christmas has always been Jared's favorite.

Title: Chad is Awesome?
Date: December 2010
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 1100
Rating: PG-13
Summary:Taking things from Chad is almost always a mistake.


Title: Crackfic too ridiculous to title (in honor of Misha's birthday)
Date: August 2009
Summary: Misha spends his thirty-fifth birthday as a unicorn.

Title: Fandom is Srs Bznz Part 1 and Part 2 (complete)
Date: June 2009
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content
Pairing: Misha/Jensen - Guest appearance by Zach Quinto
Notes: This is about as far removed from reality as you can possibly get. All for funsies and laffs. Any truefax are purely coincidental. And in the event that Misha is lurking around the fandom somewhere *paranoids* Plz don't read? And if you do, I'm sorry?
Warnings: Gratuitous use of Zach ex machina.
Summary: Clearly Misha has not been spending enough time on the internet. He's been taking a little bit of a sabbatical from fandom while he finishes up Supernatural for the season. He just did not have the time to keep up with all the flamewars he tended to start.

Timestamp: Twitter is Srs Bznz

Other as-of-yet-untitled Misha series
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Pairing: Misha/Jensen
Notes: I didn't really intend for this to be a WiP. More just a bunch of random stories. That is not entirely how it worked out. Huh.

Wherein Misha is Released Into An Unsuspecting Populace
Everyone Has An Opinion On Something
Tequila Is Not To Be Trusted
Even Criminal Masterminds Need A Mental Health Day
Sometimes Revelations Are Slow In Coming
Sometimes You Just Need Someone Else To Tell You You're An Idiot
Ask A Stupid Question
The Tables Can Turn More Than Once
There's Knowing, Then There's KNOWING. You Know?

Useful Illusions Universe:

  • Being Jeffrey Beaumont by kadiel_krieger - Rated Adult. Jared POV. Summary: They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Wherein Jared seeks to share his love of Blue Velvet and interesting things happen.

  • Being Misha Collins by elizah_jane - Rated Adult. Misha POV. Summary: Misha's evening starts out like the world's most awkward first date ever. It gets better. Eventually.

  • Behind the Line by kadiel_krieger - Interlude. Rated PG. Jensen POV. Summary: Jensen could get used to this.

  • Once Around the Weekend by kadiel_krieger - Rated Adult, Jensen POV. Summary: Jensen has a sort of existential crisis. This does not bode well. For anyone.

  • Hornswaggled by kadiel_krieger - Rated Adult, Jared POV. Summary: Jared is confused. And uncomfortable. And confused. A lot.

  • Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid by elizah_jane - Rated Adult, Misha POV. Summary: Misha makes a peace offering. It goes well.

  • Bleed the Taste of Life by kadiel_krieger - Rated Adult, Jensen POV. Summary: Making the peace is complicated.

    Title: Phase Three: Profit
    Date: February 2010
    Pairing: Jensen/Misha
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count: 1000
    Summary: Misha has a plan. The plan has phases.


    Title: Nobody Ever Expects the Catolution
    Date: March 2010
    Pairing: Jared/Misha
    Rating: R
    Word Count: 2400
    Summary: Jared loves dogs. Misha's a cat person.

    Title: Carpe Diem
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Jared/Misha
    Word Count:1500
    Rating: R
    Summary: Misha wants to screw with Jensen. Jared thinks screwing with Misha is a much better idea.

    Title: Matchmaking's Harder Than it Looks
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Jared/Misha
    Word Count:850
    Rating: PG-13
    Summary: Jared likes Misha, Misha likes Jared. Unfortunately, Jensen seems to be the only one who gets it.


    Title: Boy Built For Trouble
    Date: July 2010
    Pairing: Jensen/JDM
    Word Count: 2600
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: This is pretty much straight-up daddy kink, with a side of dirty talk and barebacking.
    Summary:Written for blindfold_spn. The prompt said: JDM fucks Jensen (aged about 18-21) hard, and long: Jensen begging for it. AU, so that the two of them weren't on SPN together, it's just JDM is a hot older guy and Jensen wants to call him daddy while he pounds Jensen into the mattress. That's a pretty accurate summary, I think.

    Title: And a Happy New Year
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Jensen/JDM
    Word Count: 950
    Rating: PG
    Summary: New Year's Eve isn't Jensen's favorite holiday.

    Title: By the Fire
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Jensen/JDM
    Word Count: 1880
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Jensen's a little stressed about having everyone visiting for Christmas. Jeff helps him relax.

    Title: Never Miss a Play
    Date: January 2011
    Pairing: Jensen/JDM
    Word Count: 1870
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Porn - dirty talk, barebacking, etc.
    Summary: Written for salt_burn_porn. Jensen hates these parties. Luckily, Jeff shows up to entertain him.

    RPF: Other

    Title: Unicorns, Dragons, and Affairs of the Heart
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen/Jeff
    Word Count: 1500
    Rating: PG-13
    Summary: Jeff is in charge of the unicorns, Jared is in charge of the dragon, and Jensen is in charge of the cupcakes.

    Title: Misha Collins: Pegasus Wrangler
    Date: December 2010
    Pairing: Misha/Jake Abel
    Word Count: 700
    Rating: PG-13
    Summary: Misha is a Pegasus wrangler and Jake is his Merman friend (or possibly more...).
    Notes: This is a sequel of sorts to Unicorns, Dragons, and Affairs of the Heart and might not make sense if you haven't read that first.

    Title: In Sickness
    Date: December 2010
    Genre: RPF Gen
    Word Count: 1100
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Jared gets sick; Jensen takes care of him.

    Title: Tryin' To Get a Nut
    Date: December 2010
    Genre: RPF humor/crack
    Word Count: 550
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Jared, Jensen and Misha get stoned together and there are unexpected consequences.


    Star Trek

    I'm not actually writing Star Trek at the moment. It is entirely possible that this will change as the Reboot continues to slowly consume the internets at large. I do have one stippet, though. Kirk/McCoy of course.

    Jim isn't sure when the phrase "Dammit, Jim!" becomes a bulletproof kink.

    Hyperbole and a Half

    Title: I Care About This Alot
    Date: December 2010
    Genre: Gen
    Wordcount: 430
    Rating: G
    Summary: A Holiday story about Alots.


    Title: Festive Tradishuns (we can haz dem)
    Date: December 2010
    Genre: Gen
    Wordcount: 650
    Rating: G
    Summary: Once a year Basement Cat and Ceiling Cat set aside their differences and come together to celebrate.

    Original Fiction

    Title: Watch For Ice
    Genre: Slash
    Rating: PG
    Wordcount: 1000
    Summary: Eric hates winter.

    Title: What Can I Get Started For You?
    Genre: Slash
    Rating: PG
    Wordcount: 1000
    Summary: Scott didn't mind working on Christmas Eve, especially when his favorite customer stopped by

    Title: Old Friendships Renewed
    Genre: Slash
    Rating: PG
    Wordcount: 1000
    Summary: Josh hasn't seen Michael since high school, so he's a little surprised when Michael shows up for the neighborhood Christmas party.



    Fandom is crazy, welcome to the internet! - Wank is a fandom thing. Hell, it's an internet thing. It just feels more personal in fandom because you consider the people in it your friends. Some of them are, some of them are just crazy.

    How to Play Well With Others on the Internet: An Essay - Fangirl, meet the internet. Internet, fangirl. Now, before you skip straight to the porn, we have some hints to help you get the most out of your fannish experience!

    Everybody's Free (To Be Fannish) - If I could offer you only one tip for fandom, a laptop would be it. The portable benefits of laptops have been proven by con-goers everywhere, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own fannish experience. I will dispense this advice now.


    Hanging out on the gangplank of ship Dean/Castiel - Castiel falls into an interesting slot in Dean's world.

    I've Got Soul But I'm Not a Soldier - Thoughts on Sam and Dean in Sympathy for the Devil (5x01)

    Smile Like You Mean It - Thoughts on Good God, Y'all (5x02)

    Now You Stood Your Ground (But What Ground Was That?) - Thoughts on Free to be You and Me (5x03)

    And then that happened - Thoughts on SPN's portrayal of fancons (spoiler alert: It's not as bad as all that)

    Back to the Future Part II - Semi-organized thoughs on The Song Remains the Same.

    True Blood:

    Sookie Sue - Mary Sues aren't inherently evil. But Sookie is totally lame.

    I want to do bad things to you - What True Blood is vs. what it could have been.

    * The exception to this is unfinished WiPs. They are all still here, but not over there.

    **I am not always so great about keeping this super up-to-date, but my "stories i make up" tag covers all fic that I write.

oh dean, star trek, wincest, level 3 of special hell, jared/jensen, metaish, useful illusions, now that's just absurd, sam/lucifer, gen, show of my heart, slash, codaly speaking, true blood, episode related, coda, stories i make up, castiel/dean, samanddean, spn fic

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