errant: moving about aimlessly or irregularly

Jun 23, 2013 16:59

I thought, "You know what’d be funny? To not post for a year and then change my name." Sorry about that. Life crept up on me, and the longer I went, the more I was like, "It's been so long!" I am hoping wrt the name change that keeping the initials will help.

I would like to start posting again, but with the way fandom has branched out, and the various platforms and such, I think I am going to keep most stuff locked down moving forward, especially when talking about life things. Fic will still live on my fic journal, and maybe someday I will get around to doing AO3.

So for now, this is mostly to say, name change, hi! elizah_jane -> errant_jane. It seemed appropriate. It’s been a year, how are you?

Also, consider this a period of defriending amnesty. If you were just here for the fic/SPN stuff, there will not likely be much of that moving forward. There will still be fannish things, but more in the line of discussions and stuff over fic. I do not Teen Wolf. Just putting that out there now.

My tumblr name is ramalot, though I haven't posted there recently. I use it mostly as a "things I like" place, but I dislike it as an interactive platform, so I don't consider it an active fannish thing. It’s more like a voyeuristic scrapbook maybe? So follow/unfollow at will. Now that Spartacus is over, I'm not sure what will turn up there. Maybe I'll just go through the 2k of "liked" posts I have and actually reblog them.

I have been reading my flist like a creepy lurker, so I might start commenting occasionally as well. Just to add to the confusion. :D

We’ll leave it there for now, I think. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! <3 Summer is finally here, yay!

i'm still here, sort of, so that happened

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