Apr 22, 2014 18:56
I was looking forward to my extended-weekend, which I cleverly extended even further by working the overnight and having Saturday off. The whole weekend ended up being consumed by cat troubles! My poor little buddy Charlie jumped off a chair, in one of his frequent PTSD-like responses to sudden noise, and bolted behind the TV, and somehow injured himself. When he came out, he could barely walk. I put him on the couch (he couldn't jump up himself) and we observed that his rear paws were clenched. He snuggled up and went to sleep, so I went up to bed. At about 1:30am, Patrick came up and said he was going to take Charlie to the vet ER because he still couldn't walk :(
The vet took some x-rays, checked his blood, and saw no fractures, no clots, no problems with his blood work. Vet said either swelling on his spine, or a sprain of some kind, they weren't really sure. They wanted to keep him at the hospital. Patrick came home, and we had a very sad and worried Easter not knowing what was wrong with Charlie. In the afternoon, the vet hospital reported that Charles had shown improvement on the steroid injections, and finally at about 5pm we were cleared to pick him up!
So now Charlie has to live in a large dog crate with his blankets, his food, and his litter box, feasting upon wet food twice a day (with a steroid mushed in) until he gets better. His feet were knuckling under again so I called this morning and got him in to the regular vet. She gave us some buprenorphine for a little added pain relief, but said that if he is eating well, using his litter box, and moving around a little bit, then the pain must not be too severe. The next week will give us more information. I am so exhausted despite having been off work since 7am Saturday morning, just from the worry worry worry. Hopefully he will be walking better soon but for now he seems pretty content to have a gate where he can watch Babby but she can't bother him.