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RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - I of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:38:22 UTC
NAME: Nino
JOURNAL: excels
CONTACT: AIM || just as keikaku

NAME: Gino Weinberg
SERIES: Code Geass
CANON POINT: Post-series.


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - II of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:39:01 UTC
HISTORY: Gino was raised on the grand, enormous Weinberg estate, located northeast of Britannia's capital of Pendragon. The estate was composed of three larger villas and one smaller building for servants; the building Gino stayed in was seperate from even his own parents. Most of the time, the only people he was ever in contact with were his servants, instructors and caretakers. Day in and day out, he was schooled, drilled and taught - academics, music, fencing, speech, ettiquette - with very little time for play. He was not permitted to leave the estate at any time, and romping was discouraged, so his free time was often spent looking out his third story bedroom window and drawing the things he saw out in the garden. Lacking friends and much purpose in life outside his parents' wish for him to marry into royalty, he was a vague and detached child, viewing his world as dull. "A bird in a cage."

At nine years old, a new servant was brought to his household: a young, Japanese woman (who, for consistency's sake, I refer to as ( ... )


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - III of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:39:56 UTC
HISTORY CONT'D: Both Gino and Anya enrolled into Ashford Academy, a school for Britannian students living in Area 11, in order to see what living like commoners would be like. And also to pig out on pastries or whatever the hell those things are. Gino learned to speak more casually from Rivalz Cardemonde, took an immediate liking to Lelouch, one year his senior (which is LOLworthy because Lelouch is actually Zero, his enemy, OOPS), as well as the other members of the Ashford Student Council - which he and Anya soon became a part of ( ... )


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - IV of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:40:39 UTC
PERSONALITY: Gino's personality can sort of be likened to those fruit-n-yogurt parfaits at McDonald's. The top is this sweet, sugary fruit stuff, and the bottom layer is this wibbly yogurt with a suspicious coloration and taste. But you can't get to the yogurt part unless you eat the fruit first (or stir the entire thing really hard, but come on, I'm going a long way with this metaphor so work with me, alright ( ... )


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - V of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:41:24 UTC
PERSONALITY CONT'D: That underlying yogurt layer of Gino's personality, however, is far, far more serious and supressed. He has a distinct dislike of himself - or rather, a dislike of how he lives. He's not at all proud of his upbringing, believing that nobles make themselves far too entitled to everything than he would like and doesn't want to be lumped in that category with them. His endeavors to live "like a commoner" are more than likely his way of not only exploring life outside his birdcage of a childhood, but deviating away from it entirely to spare himself the embarrassment of being a selfish person. Many of his actions are his attempt at proving his worth and showing that he is better than that, that he can be better ( ... )


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - VI of VII excels October 2 2009, 20:41:53 UTC
PERSONALITY CONT'D: Furthermore, Gino is quite stubborn and very steadfast. He has been shown to have enough maturity to bear up under the strain of war and battle. Though he does make a challenge out of most things he is unerring in his determination to accomplish, even if that means doing something that he knows is morally incorrect, harsh, or wrong. At times he follows rules to the letter, and is clearly uncomfortable with outright, unnecessary rebellion. Gino unflinchingly carries out his orders and at least pretends to not think about the consequences as long as what needs to be done is done. That isn't to say that the ends justify his means - not at all. But it's more that he has already grown up enough to understand that he has to shoulder the weight of the choices he makes, and does so without faltering. Usually ( ... )


RESERVE { Gino Weinberg - VII of VII } END PROCESS excels October 2 2009, 20:42:25 UTC
Gino had only ever seen trains. He'd never ridden one. Unless a cable car counted, then he had definitely ridden on a train. But as far as something on tracks that went chugga-chugga-choo choo! and blew smoke up into the air? Nope, never. It had been one of his many, many silly ambitions: to ride a commoner train to noplace in particular. So how convenient was it for him that he had the opportunity to ride one somewhere here and now! He was loaded down with suitcases and money and his Rounds cloak, which was unbelievably heavy in spite of it being, you know, a cloak. Even though he wasn't a Knight anymore, he still often carried it around with him. For luck. And for memories ( ... )


ACCEPTED eronumods October 2 2009, 21:07:13 UTC
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