Bought a new gun today. A little lever action, a reproduction of John Browning's Winchester 1892.
No pistol grips. No rails. No flash hider or bayonet lug. It's not even semi-auto, and it only holds eight rounds.
A nostalgia piece, right?
What you don't see at first glance is that modern metallurgy allows this fundamentally-sound century-old design to contain massive pressures. (65,000 PSI, if you want to get technical.) Each and every one of those eight .454 Casull cartridges produces 25% more energy than a slug from a 12 gauge. Over twice as much as a single 5.56mm NATO round fired from an M16, and exactly twice as much as a standard AK-47 bullet.
All this in a package that's super light (6 pounds), super short (34" long), and super slick (nothing hanging off it to snag or get in your way.)
And totally innocuous.