ZOMG! I'm back!

Jul 15, 2007 09:26

Hooray! After much faffing I am back!!!

Oh LJ I missed you!

*Kiss!* *Kiss!* *Kiss!* *Kiss!* *Kiss!* *Kiss!* *Kiss!*

After much chat in the flat we decided to get a Sky package, phone, internet and TV, and getting it 100% set up took some a little time, getting the satellite dish, getting the new modem etc. Thankfully as of Friday we finally had it all sorted - yay! I had every intention of updating yesterday but I had the hangover from hell. It was our Amnesty wine tasting and it was excellent. I didn't think I was that drunk but oh! I felt it the next morning. I couldn't even hold in water!!! Note to self - don't mix drinks! Red and white wine, goldshlager and vodka - not a good combo.

This weekend is my catch up. Dave's in Manchester at his cousin's wedding, so I'm browsing the net, updating, watching DVDs, writing a job application, and later on I'm meeting some friends to see the new Harry Potter movie. I even joined Facebook!

Anyway, if you read my last update you'll know I went to my friend Louise's wedding a few weeks ago - here are the pics.

The happy couple, Louise and Douglas

Kev and Sharon

Louise and Sarah

Me (Hehehe! Check out the plunging neckline!), Louise, and Sarah

Sarah dancing with Allan

Louise - so gorgeous and happy!!

Alan and Pauline
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