Public service annoucement on behalf of erniemay...

Jun 01, 2007 17:42

Hi all!

This is not Ernie - this is her sis, frequently referred to in this journal as 'Stinky' (why is it always the worst childhood nicknames that stick?).

I would like to reassure anyone who may be curious about Ernie's lack of LJ activity recently that she is not dead, comatose or otherwise incapacitated. Unfortunately the numpty and her flatmates let their phone bill go unpaid and were cut off last month, leaving darling Ernie without any Internet access. As well as leaving her unable to catch up with the final episodes of her fave TV series (OMG Ernie - last few eps of Supernatural so good!!! ;P), she has obviously been unable to post any updates or icons or whatnot recently.

She wants me to let you know that she should hopefully have everything fixed and be online again in the next few weeks. And I'm sure she'll have bucketloads of new icons and textures for you all to enjoy!

Until that time, I have full access to her journal so if anyone wants to see embarrassing Ernie photos or hear embarrassing stories about the poor old dear, just let us know and I'll spam her journal until she gets access again and can delete them. How's that for incentive? ;-D

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