White water!!!

Apr 29, 2007 18:06

OMG. Had the most fab weekend.

Stinks arrived on Friday morning and we had a lovely day shopping (I got the loveliest dress for Louise's wedding whilst Stinks bought a dress for Stuart's wedding) and then we chilled at Nicola and Alistair's new flat, also catching up with some of Stink's other mates from school, John and Lynne which was fun. The flat is lovely. No furniture when we went as they were moving all of it through today, but still gorgeous.

Saturday we went white water rafting! Fantastic! We all fell in the water except mum (who claimed an ear infection - yeah right!) and the water was so cold. Stinks was actually grabbed by a rival raft which dragged her on board but she managed to escape, throwing some of them in the water before she made her getaway!

Here's some pics:

Starting off... that's me, back left next to Stinky who's waving her arm in the air. Our folks are sitting opposite us.

Check us out! And we didn't tip over!!!!


You'll be pleased to know that after this pic was taken we hadn't drowned - but it was a close call! The raft was sooo full of water!

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