God I'm bored

Mar 02, 2006 12:13

I'm off work with a bug. I HATE being sick. I'm perfectly capable of being lazy when I don't need to, but for some reason as soon as I have to sit around doing nothing the mind protests and I desperately want to... er... go into the office. Oh god! I must be bored!

I have made a few icons, I may do a tutorial in a little bit, and I've been working on a peice of writing I've been doing for a while. I even managed to finally watch Transpotting. Simon will be proud of me.

Actually the last week or so has been quite eventful in a thoughtful way. I've made some decisions. Firstly me and Stinky are organising a trip to Eastern/Central Europe for a holiday in May. Nothing is finalised yet, I think we're gonna get everything sorted when I visit her in March, but we're getting together a good idea of where and how much it'll cost.

Secondly... I think I'm going to buy my own flat this year. It's a decision I've been building up to for a while.  I spoke to my financial advisor about it a few weeks ago and my parents are coming over to see me this weekend so I'll talk to them about it as I'll need their support. Plan is to have 2 double bedrooms and rent one out but it's all speculative at the moment. Since Fife is moving to Oz in the autumn I may be able to get furnishings really cheaply from him. At the moment I'm waiting on a pay increment from work so I can get an accurate mortgage estimate then I'll be ready to look through everything properly and get ready to roll.

In other news - god I love Supernatural! a) Dean is gorgeous b) Meg is impressively scary for a small blonde girl, and c) I'm really starting to get caught up the storyline of Sam's weird premonitions and what the heck killed their mum.

Also I won the discworld monthly competition and have just received a signed copy of 'The Colour of Magic: Facsimilie Edition' in the post. YIPPPEEEEEEE!

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