
May 19, 2007 07:40

This is actually worse, WORSE than Neopets upon further review. Not just the
furry angle where you can turn your Gaia-ish avatar into your own 'fursona' but the content . While Neopets is more centered around e-peen like "Make your pet big and strong so you can fuck around in our shitty storyline battles!" this is more like a browser-based platformer. And oh how we know furries love platformers. Fucking collect-a-thons. A fourth of the 'games' center around judging who has the largest collection of tiles and beanbags and plushies and other retarded shit. wtf? I've half a mind to use the information taken from the raid and personally smash his fingers with a ruhmkorff so he may never code his egotistical bullshit ever again. (gotta love how you can 'buy' various forms of him and 'wear' them like clothing. And I thought I was narcissistic with my idea to put an iron statue straddling a submarine Strangelove style in the center of Erding. Nooo, not even close. I saw some pics others took during the raid, but, but...there's so MANY! He's like a faggot Agent Smith.)

I was raiding pretty hard I didn't really bother looking at most of the shit here, it was just 'find the most popular forum threads with stolen accounts and hit the last page with huge3 or guro.' But Fadamn this shit is insane. It shouldn't possibly exist, but...there it is. Wow. This is what happens when you allow democracies to flourish. You didn't get this kind of salacious deviancy from any monarchies but the English, believe me! I love how flaming he is though, a lot of these items...they just scream "FAG," like the enormous amount of rainbow-coloured creatures and 'petpets' or hearts being plastered on everything. What is this, fucking Robotman?
lol what avs. So homogay. There doesn't seem to be any way to make an avatar that DOESN'T look spectacularly fruity (a fruitacular spectacle?) or emogoth or weeaboo. I can see why most of us raiders just stripped them nekkid and sold everything.
lol it's some sort of...snakedog, thing. Eat your heart out Moreau!
Also like any other good furry, gay or straight...He's gotta make wif teh terrible puns. (the Pokéfish are the torrents)
I love how the guilds are called cults btw. That just says it all right there.

I've found a collection of Tsepesi's artwork thanks to /b/...Apparently he's still drawing but his new site is hidden. Next giant raid there'll be some original guro art popping up! Now if only /i/ would stop timing out...dunno wtf is wrong with those hookah whores at 420chan lately. I wonder why all the top guro artists are vanishing. They must be getting promoted at whatever corporation they cog at.

I found a game at Best Buy for the PS2 for five bucks called Future Tactics. Pretty fun, needs moar maps though. It's like Worms 3D with an X-com twist, Scottish voices, and less weapons but the ability to upgrade'em. An alien invasion takes over the Earth except for Scotland because seemingly can't stand bagpipe music. So, a band of Scottish gypsy resisters is the last hope for the planet. Oh yeah and instead of structures being regular 'diggable' terrain, they explode into pieces and those more than one story collapse realistically. However, multiplayer/skirmish is hampered by the lack of a map randomiser. You can only play the story-mode maps with differing options and a couple extras. I hope there's a sequel, it's way too short and has too few characters/weapons. I already unlocked everything after only three nights of play! Hopefully ZedTwo didn't just fart out this one effort and die, because I haven't seen anything else by them and this is already three years old.
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