For anyone who missed the epicness: Anyway, as a result of all that I decided to enroll in Subeta forrealz and dick around there. Probably gonna scam like crazy, or just troll the forums as an ardent nonviolently moderate ubercentrist.
Boy those guys weren't kidding about Keith ripping off shit left and right. If only /i/nvasion's forum were working I would point all the extra stolen stuff I found since the thread.
I woulda made a post during the assault but....I forgot, and got wrapped up crashing gay-uh accounts. Next time I've got a lot of free time I'll run through the entire gaia/beta account list and crush whoever was missed on the first go and didn't sign on to get the note about the password changes. Moohuuhawhawhaw, that was such fun. >)
Man this is fucking furry. Just look at this shit. he even steals furry characters now too! Lookit this! It's JACK WITH GLASSES! This made me lol out of sheer wrongness. And this too. PENISPENIS LOL