Nov 19, 2009 02:34
Everything has come together. I am now doing all of the things I had been putting off and working ten times faster than before. The problem was not too many things to do, or knowing where to start, because these things tend to grow organically. I have a natural starting point and it guides itself from there. It seems that there was a problem with the way my ideas were "interacting" in my mind. Basically, everything has to be in the same world to a certain extent. Any mental process I do for one creative work has to be able to contribute something to any other. That is why if I am writing a fictional story, there has to be a consistency with the science I know, and why it is important that I am creating ideas (real world or fictional) that pertain to something I am learning, in order to keep it in the same context. It gets a little more complicated than that. I have to make my inner world such that all content can be "in the same place". Since my mind works as a universe model, that essentially means I have to do a worldbuilding exercise, to make fictional ideas, scientific fact, and ideas that are applicable in the world coexist. I will go into that in a later post, but the point is, I had a different dilemma than I thought and I have come up with a permanent way to make my mind more efficient. It may be unusual, but it works for me.