Jan 18, 2015 23:16
wow, i misseda deadline didn't I? *checks calendar* whoops, epiphany was almsot two weeks ago/ Whereas the last tiem i posted here was ummmmm somewhere in june. Can I still pop back in here without anyone throwing peanuts at me or in a worse case staring at me thinking 'who is this again?" Welll, to be honest, i sort of slipped out of the E-world into a corner off the grid where there wasa lot less information and a lot of green grass and singing birds. NO really, i did watch the neews and other stuff on tv and I sniffed at my friends page and twitter every so often but that was it. A now that i dared to go back on track again i feel a a bit stupid for just letting this thing peter out like a candle and never checkign back. I could tell you the whole story of what made me jump back in but it's somewhat cheesy. It has somethign to do with a new books series i accidentally came across caleld the mother-daughter book club. I'm probably too old for this stuff (it's about a group of sixth-graders for one) and I"ve onl yread the first book but it made me think of half if not two-third of m yfriends list. It takes place in concord, it's about four girls whose mothers get together wit hthem to form a book club and the first book they read is little women. they sort of identify themselves with character traits inthe book, they visitthe alcott's house, and one of mothers is a libraria nso she sort of leads the group and hands the mal lthose fun tips and they help each other sort of learn things aboutthemselves adn make their friendship stronger. Gads now that I write this down it soudns rather cheesy. But the whole feel of the book, the wa ysome of the characters remind me of you, the wa yti gets me to read again, and then i popped back in here and it actually feels good to be home again. So i'm tentatively waving at all of o uadn sending {hugs}} to each and everyone. and yeah, if yo uahve spare time or are on a logn trip or snowed in or something, go get those books. Oof! I didn't know it would feel this good to give you all a shout-out about somethign new and shiny the way I used to do.