are we still in the game?

Jun 24, 2014 20:41

Oh phiew!! football is still goign fine over here. I mean soccer. I mean ha, i finally know *why* you all call this worldcup thing soccer. It apparently had to do wit han old sock attatch to a stone or a was of somethign else which was used for lack of a nactual ball. And look where all those south-american stars are now? It somehow feel s sort of inspiring, you livein the slumps, you dream of scoring a goal jsut like your hero did and some ten years later, there you are.
Which probably doesn't jsut happen in sout hamerica, and not even only in this branch of sports but whatever.
When you're having the best coffee ou ever made, and still ridign high on yesterday's game, and when your ineedmyfics nominations actually got through, and the process makes you look up a movie you accidentally checked instead of what yo uwanted to submit, and you look up some sixteen other books and authors welll, that's magic.
Plus, the whoel day i've bene hearing goldfinches, and now there's a nature-springwatch type of show on tv and i hear them again. Also, there ae three young blackbirds in our backyard, and i should know that much because all my evenings out here end with a concert of their ancestors singing into the night.
You know how all this started? My best friend on holiday and i said that i'd be on the look out for thigns worth mentioning while i'm at home. I'm actually even keeping a log this time. Adn just liek every year there's suddenly a whole lot of interesting stuff on tv and cool things going on outside and I"m like 'oh, and this didn't all happen last week when we were just going through our daily business?" I guess i should keep a better look-out like this more often.
And now it's on to my own personal summer reading, which until now consists mosty of newspaper clippings and other smallish things i saved fro maround the web.
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