Triple Drabble: Charmed Life

Apr 11, 2006 21:23

Title: Charmed Life
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: None.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Summary: Jack-fic, a bit dark. Jack contemplates his mortality. Pre-Dead Man's Chest, very minor spoilers (mostly for the trailer.) For BPS drabble challenge "Delay"; 300 words.
Feedback: Makes me a very happy little writer.

Charmed Life

The legends said Jack Sparrow lived a charmed life, always one quick step, one clever trick, one stroke of luck ahead of Fate. They said he could talk his way out of a deal with the Devil.

But he knew better. He'd tried it.

The mark of that lesson was still in him. He felt it sometimes, in his dreams: a black seed beneath his skin, waiting to flower, to stretch its dark roots deep into his soul. His life was a game now; he was all in, with the deck stacked and the die loaded. 'Twasn't a question of winning, but of how long it would be 'til his luck ran out. How long he could delay the inevitable.

Can't cheat the Devil, Jack.

Bootstrap had said that, a long time ago.

Couldn't say no one had warned him, could he.

It had been tempting, all too tempting, back there at Isla de Muerta, to trade a life-debt for a half-life. Did one curse cancel out another? If he couldn't die, could his doom still claim him? The whole Jolly Roger look had suited him, really. He had the bone structure for it, after all.

Another gamble, that. A chance at immortality flavored with ashes, or a quick life before the wind, with death's shadow in his wake, following after.

The choice had been easy enough, in the end.

Because the game wasn't over yet; there were still prizes to plunder, wenches to kiss and rum to drink. There was still the Black Pearl, his dark lady, whole and his again at last, for he'd won that round, fair and square.

There was always the possibility, remote as it was, that the Devil might just slip up.

And storm on the rise or no, there was always that horizon.

potc, drabbles, supernatural/fantasy

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