Sep 12, 2006 10:15
things seem ok. i always get a little paranoid when things seem ok. the medication is going well as it doesn't hurt my tummy too much and it whittles a little of the apathy away. the dr's office called to cancel my follow-up appointment so i guess i have to reschedule that. haven't really had a migraine since the one when i got back from vacation. still haven't sorted through all the stuff that came from a-chan's place. went to the gym with cody last night, we rowed for a while and then played with a little weight. it was really just to get us back into the swing of it. we're going to try to go 3 times a week, so we'll see how that works out. still pretty torn up inside, but i'm trying not to admit it to myself. i find that i am upset with myself for still loving her, but i guess that will fade with time . . . at least that's what everyone says.
work is ok for now. i'm going to be teaching an interesting lab this quarter, so we'll see how that goes. a lot of labview and playing with stuff. research slogs on slowly, but it looks like i might be going back to being the only one on otft's soon. i hope orb gets to work on photovoltaics, since that's what he really wants to do. i don't really care what i do, so long as i can graduate. it's amazing, but the meds took away a lot of apathy in my life, but none away from how i feel about work. i'm in the wrong place, and i know it. but i think i'm going to stick it out, even if it is just for a master's. i'm not going to take the qual this quarter, i just can't get ready in time. i made it through 3 chapters and could answer questions, but i just don't have enough confidence in my knowledge. 4 vapor deps to do today. i'm almost through 2 of them and it isn't even lunchtime yet. wow, i guess i did get here early.
"it's only forever. not long at all"