Yeah. My Ass. Sorry for the harsh words...
Why do I say that, you ask? I just happen to have six examples -in order of when I saw it-:
-Jareth/Sarah - Labyrinth
.Who failed? David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly well, pretty much just David Bowie -"Love me. Fear me. Do as I say and I'll be your slave." Do I really need to explain this one?
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I really need to see this sometime.
-Logan/Rogue - X-Men
Oh, baby yes! Just looking at titles at the WRFA makes me happy!
-Obi-Wan/Padme (aka Amidala) - Star Wars prequels
Ah, Obi I love you, even with the beard.
-Cain/DG - Tin Man
Please, these two are soooooo close to canon, we just need to write to sci-fi until the network gives in and greenlights the weekly show.
-Mal/River - Serenity
Um, I don't see it. But then I really don't see Mal with anyone, the war just messed him up to badly.
And River? She's busy trickin' Jayne into showin' off his "man parts"!
He'll be showing up at the next Guy Group meeting.
*flails and forgets how miserable I am feeling*
*kicks allergies*
::sits back to watch erin's head explode::
But I'm assuming young brunettes with a penchant for trouble ;)
*head will explode soon as the allergy meds wear off!*
Oh sweetie! Men in breeches (esp. Jeramey Northham) are a wonderful thing!
Go watch
There is also Ewan McGragor with really, really bad hair and Alan Cummings as a stupid preacher!
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