Yesterday was A. Day. (TM)
no-prompt Filler Day
I'm so tired and drained that I can't even think of something boring to write about. The weather is questionable, this week, and the spritzle-rain is just enough that apparently no one knows how to drive in it. Took almost two hours to get back to work yesterday - had to run home for a minute just before lunch - and then took almost an hour to get home because, even though I left after the evening rush, I managed to get stuck behind a guy going 40 in a 70; and then behind someone who rode their brakes with the blinker on for almost 10 miles - every time the pavement changed color, they braked; every time a car came at them, they braked. THEN!! I had the nerve to stop at WalMart for a lady who was just walking out into the street (and not in the damn crosswalk, thanks) and she proceeded to yell at ME. Like.. honey, I saw you long before you ever saw me and I stopped so you could own the road.
Seriously, WTF is with some people??
What is the first Disney movie you remember seeing? What is the most recent Disney movie you've seen? Tell us your thinkings and feelz about these two movies! by
amediaI've been around Disney movies so long, I don't even know when I first saw some of them. LOL. But I know for sure that the first Disney movie I saw in the theater was The Black Cauldron - which is also the first movie I ever saw in a theater (regardless of how many times my mother insists that she & dad went to see Star Trek The Motion Picture when she was pregnant with me, which is a real trick, as it came out the day AFTER I did......)
I remember very little about that viewing, honestly. But we did have the video game for our Apple IIe that we never figured out how to play.... And I was in college when I next saw The Black Cauldron and realized why I had no memory of it: THAT MOVIE WAS TERRIFYING. o.O
I should give it another watch, now that I'm older and appreciate John Hurt and know that the Horned King can't hurt me (badum-chhh).
As for what Disney movie I saw otherwise.. it was probably one of the Herbies; or it was The Boatniks or Follow Me, Boys, because those are dad's favorites. The Boatniks, I do love. (and it always amused me when it gets a shoutout on MST3K). I also love Davy Crockett & the River Pirates) which ALSO could have been one of the first I saw...
But my very favorite movie - Disney or otherwise - will always be The Happiest Millionaire. And there ain't enough space in the comment limit for that :D
Now, the most recent Disney movie I saw (in the theater) was Haunted Mansion, which was AMAZING. It was perfect - well, it was no Muppet Haunted Mansion, but nothing will ever been that good... - and I called the plot twist before it happened, but I didn't expect the movie to actually GO THERE. Also a fist pump for all the Florida-Mansion love! Complete with unexpected Winona Ryder! LOL
It's just too bad Disney released it mid-summer, opposed to at Halloween.
At home, I did just watch Strange World a few weekends back, via a Discord watch party. that movie had me at the first trailer; and it was BEAUTIFUL. Meridian Clade is my hero and I just loved everything about it; from the Indy-style theme to the plot twist. It was just wonderful and I don't like the original stuff continues to get buried by the bigger franchises, which then get railed for 'oversaturating the market'.
Yes, I saw The Marvels on Sunday, but Marvel is not Disney. It was also perfect and $(@ the haters. "OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN", indeed. ♥
Seriously, if I have to listen to one more spiel about 'fandom fatigue' or how The Marvels bombed... IT IS NOT ON BRIE, IMAN, OR TEYONAH TO SAVE MARVEL. Marvel doesn't need saving. It's doing just fine. The Fanboys are hurt because some girls got a movie and instead of just letting us have it, OMG BURN IT ALL DOWN.
If you're over Marvel movies, fine. I want more. I want all of it.
Also screw you LJ, for not letting me choose my inactive icons.
[ plenty of days still open
(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)