
Oct 27, 2023 09:20

As expected, the LJ expired. I had 10 questionable icon choices and, for whatever reason, my layout was nerfed to default. Which means I've now lost 20+ years of hoarding that Flexible Squares setting like I'm Smaug with the One Ring.

Now I'll have to find something else. Or just live with this ALL )@*$) WHITE mess.

+ It also doesn't help that I was dealing with YouTube locking me out of the site unless I turned off my ad blocker -- yes, that's A Thing (TM) now -- and then proceeded to have SEVEN ad breaks during a 10-minute video. If you want people to subscribe to your paid version, YouTube, this is NOT the way to do it.

+ Also I was dealing with having to figure out how to fill out a D&D character sheet from scratch and it was not going at all well and luxuria_oceanus ended up calling me on the phone and then doing a share screen via Discord and honestly she really doesn't know (I think) how much I really am ready to just quit. I need to find a Skillshare on how to comprehend the book and the sheet because there's like.. five obvious steps missing in the how-to and it's frustrating as Hell and just ARGH.

+ Holy DAMN Loki 204. Like.. just DAMN.

PS: The Visa/MC lockdown is still a thing. But LJ Support graciously gave me a year subscription to counter me not actually being able to renew my account. Which I honestly DO appreciate, even though that wasn't my intention when I put in the support ticket to ask about the payment status. ♥

I need to figure out how to force the 10 icons I want to the top of the list, just in case. I should have done a screenshot of my options (I think it was just the first 10 on the account...). Maybe this is the impetus I needed to actually clean up the mess around here and on the externals.

But, let's be real.. WILL I?

(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)

fandom: i play games, real life: walter the drama llama, f-list: luxuria_oceanus, real life: my useless college degree, fandom: i love tv, daily: friday, real life: dork moment, real life: to do or not, real life: internet pets are trouble, real life: bill gates owns my soul, movies: marvelverse, fandom: i love my lj, real life: gibbs-slap

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