For those playing the home game.....

Mar 11, 2022 10:38

Herein lies a week of car drama because there's nothing else to mention...

+ The Lifeguard got rear-ended the other night. They drove off, so he had nothing to go on past 'a black pickup truck'. He's okay, but the damage is pretty gnarly. Fingers crossed that they can easily fix it, and he won't have to get the car totaled out; because finding that car was work enough.
- he just got new tires on it last weekend.
- the week prior to that, he was fired from his 15+ year job (it was his own fault, and he has claimed responsibility) I don't know what happened, but I've figured out enough that it involved non-Disney language that Guests heard. I question just how severe it could have been, because there's a LOT of non-Disney language used all the time, by quite a lot of people. And I know from experience all the things one can do that would have anyone else fired in an instant that were simply ignored, so....

+ Mom's car has been having an issue that came up as transmission-related and got dropped at the dealer, the other day. Last night, it was decided that the issue is going to cost more than the car is probably even still worth; so they decided to take the cost of the base repair as trade-in and Mom got a new car - same make and model, but a newer year. She's really not happy about it, but she has never been a fan of giving up her car.

+ My Jeep (aka Tin Man) had a weird hiccup-thing about two weeks ago and I just handwaved it as a hiccup. Yesterday morning, it happened again. This morning, it happened again. Lifeguard checked the battery (because there was a general consensus between him, Dad, and our buddy up at PepBoys that it was the culprit) and found it was failing. So I headed up to Advance Auto Parts (because PepBoys was PACKED) and two very nice guys helped me out by a second-opinion check and installing a new battery.
- I had intended to do most of this yesterday, but I ended up being front row center to a traffic accident and that pretty much derailed any of MY problems for the rest of the day -- the person involved was okay, save a few scrapes and bruises, but four fire trucks; an ambulance; and two sheriffs showed up (yay for straddling a county line and the cavalry arriving) -- and the afternoon was full of monsoon-level storms, so I just went back home.

+ Stig is the only one behaving right now. Which he better, for the amount of money put into his spoiled rear end last month.

This was clearly the week to stay the Hell home. LOL

Up side, at least.. the initial OMGWTFcrush seems to have passed over at DW, so if you haven't had luck importing your LJ to DW, today's a day to give it a try.

(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)

real life: walter the drama llama, real life: walt disney world has issues, real life: car trouble, real life: the family is crazy!, real life: mom's crazy and i'm insane, daily: friday, real life: to do or not, real life: my brother's just a lifeguard, real life: gibbs-slap, real life: it's all news to me!, real life: dork moment, real life: internet pets are trouble, real life: am i gilligan or the skipper?, real life: what's with the weather?, real life: i don't like spam, fandom: i love my lj, real life: bills come from the devil

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