What day is it?

Oct 16, 2020 09:03

Guys.. I'm just... I don't even know anymore.

Bullet points:

+ Colonoscopy/endoscopy happened. The prep was far worse than the event- Well.... the second round of prep was the worst part. First dose went down perfectly fine. But that second dose..... Dear and fluffy CHUCK, it was bad. D:

-- Colon was clear, which doesn't explain the trouble I've been ( Read more... )

fandom: i make art, real life: walter the drama llama, real life: car trouble, fandom: i like yarn, daily: friday, real life: to do or not, fandom: i write fanfic, fandom: challenges, real life: work has it's moments, fandom: nano, real life: medic?!, real life: gibbs-slap

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Comments 8

inabsentialuci October 16 2020, 19:32:54 UTC
+Glad the -oscopies are done. Glad you're okay. Or as okay as you can be. ♥

+OMG, THAT FABRIC! And fuck fabric snobs! Walmart fabric is still fabric! I love a blanket someone made me, and I'm pretty sure it was made with Walmart fabric (or JoAnn's- and what do they have against JoAnn's? Where are you supposed to go if not there?).

+I do not see a disaster! I see a beautiful quilt and definitely something I could never do!

+DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NANO!!!! You're my only buddy on the official site!

+Don't worry about landcomms. I haven't done a challenge in a hundred years either.



erinm_4600 October 16 2020, 19:44:40 UTC
+ TV dinner I had for lunch definitely DID. NOT. sit well. But I feel better now that it's out of me. LOL

+ Oh, you're only supposed to go to the super-swanky fabric stores that charge over $10/yard because it's high quality, etc etc. I'll give them that you're getting what you pay for, but they need to step back and realize that not everyone can afford to pay for what they get. Whatever. Your Barbie-something is gonna be a mix and you can just be offended! :p

+ I already told you I would, fool. Well, I didn't But we discussed. I think I might aim for a couple small stories, over one big story. Maybe. We'll see. You want to join the Orlando NaNo group? I can ask if they're hard and fast on the location

+ Maybe tacos tomorrow, after I win the battle of the car spiders.


inabsentialuci October 16 2020, 20:00:56 UTC
I like being a NaNo introvert, thanks. I'm part of the Cleveland group in name only, and that's about as involved as I like to be. I don't subscribe to the whole sharing, talking thing. I'm like an artist who doesn't like anyone to see their painting until it's done. I'm too much of a perfectionist. Plus, my idea is way out of left field for me, so I don't know... But then again, looking at my fic, maybe it isn't... IDK, I woke up with an idea for a romance novel, and I don't even really read romance except for paranormal romance and YA romance, but this is contemporary (Christmas).

Also, I might try to write two books concurrently, so there's that, lol. So I'm trying to get as much done in October as I can.

Anyway, the point of this comment was that I only like talking to people (or, you know, person) I trust about my WIPs.


erinm_4600 October 16 2020, 20:11:29 UTC
LOL I've introduced myself to the group. That's the entire limit of my involvement. :p


lash_larue October 16 2020, 23:27:45 UTC
Were the pre-ulcers referred to as erosions?

Been there. Carafate, prilosec, and black rum. They won't ell you about the black rum, but it helped me.

Best of luck! Yeah, the job ain't helping, but ...



erinm_4600 October 26 2020, 13:39:20 UTC
Not in the moment - just pre-ulcers ; I finally have a follow-up on Nov 12, so it's clearly nothing OMG urgent, since they aren't wanting to see me yesterday.

Tequila at work would help.. but I feel like that's just be a waste of good tequila.


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