Snowflake 2020 - Day 02

Jan 07, 2020 15:00

2020 Day 02
In your own space, talk about your fannish history. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Firstly, I'm a little bit of everywhere. Seriously. I've never been able to just settle in one fandom; and sometimes the fandom just isn't where I want to be. So, I generally self-fan in my sandbox and occasionally come out to play.

That said, I've been around the block a few times. So, obviously, most of these answers are a rough approximation.

First OTP - Lee Steson/Amanda King (Scarecrow & Mrs King)
First Favorite Show - MacGyver
First Doctor - Nine
First Movie I Saw in the Theater - The Black Cauldron
First Fanfic - an AU self-insert(ish) MacGyver story, in early elementary school. The villain was the crazy sister of sausage magnate Jimmy Dean (in place of show baddie Murdoc) and I used to have a copy of it, but I don't know what happened to it. Fun fact - this was long before I even knew what fanfic was. I thought I was just an overly-creative third-grader LMAO
First Online Socializing - a TV fans chatroom. My userpic/avatar was Chuck Norris/Cordell Walker, because Walker, Texas Ranger was my jam. My 'regular' chat buddy was someone trying really hard to make me believe they were Renee O'Connor and constantly having to leave the chatroom because Lucy was there to take her to set. Yeah.
First RP Experience - the SeaQuest DSV chat on mIRC. I finally had the chance to meet one of the folks a few years ago, as I moved to Florida and found out he lived like half an hour away. I still get a Christmas card, every year. He's about the only online friend I've known longer than
First Questionable Fandom Life Choices - the 'N Sync & BSB YahooGroups lists. Reading and writing terrible self-insert fics. In my defense, I didn't know then what I do know now. But, to always remind myself, I actually posted one of the few BSB stories to LJ, for the world to witness.
First Foray Into Proper Internet Fandom - tossup between Universal's sQ bulletin board (and the unaffiliated mIRC channel mentioned above) and the Remember WENN YahooGroup.
First Intro to Fanfic.Net - Harry Potter or Stargate SG-1... I found both of them around the same time.
First Fandom Participation (non-Yahoogroup) - LiveJournal... probably Hogwarts_Elite ; I'd have to look back at the early posts to see. I had LJ for a while before I actually started using it
First Landcomm - I thought it was TVRealm, but came to realize Hogwarts-Elite was actually a landcomm in disguise. LOL
First Convention - MediaWest 2011 ; finally got to meet
bizarra in person, having known her since the days of the Remember WENN YahooGroup
Most Intensive Fandom Participation - Started Dec 02, 2007 about five minutes after Part 1 of Tin Man ended, and is still going. It was a moment in time....
First Fandom Bucket List Achieved - I was named after Erin Gray, because my dad had a massive crush on one Colonel Wilma Deering of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I was able to meet her, in September, at DragonCon 2019.

Last Movie Seen - Frozen II ; The songs didn't do it for me; Broadway ruined all of it for me (in a good way). But that script. Good GOD. And I just found out about Josh Gad's daughter being the inspiration for Olaf's growth and OMG.
Last TV Seen - Van Helsing ; binged the first three seasons on Netflix, this past weekend; now I'm one episode in to the final season, which I have to watch on the iPad and our wifi is spotty, at best. Actually.. that's not even true. We watched some Ghost Hunters, last night. I never saw it on the original run, but one of the many off-channels has been marathoning old episodes.

I'm sure there's some item I didn't consider... but I can't think of it. Ask away, if you want :)

(crossposted from DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )

real life: walter the drama llama, tv: macgyver, tv: doctor who, fandom: disney, daily: tuesday, .hogwarts_elite, real life: to do or not, fandom: conventions, fandom: i write fanfic, fandom: i love movies, -snowflake challenge, tv: remember wenn, fandom: i love music, fandom: i love tv, thud: neal mcdonough, music: 'n sync, fandom: harry potter, f-list: bizarra, tv: seaquest dsv, real life: dork moment, fandom: challenges, fandom: from the f-list, music: backstreet boys, real life: bill gates owns my soul, tv: stargate, tv: tin man

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