In the midst of one of the worst migraines I've had in a long time, I powered through both seasons of Stranger Things on Saturday.
Still confused about a few things, but maybe that's the point?
Spoiler-free Pros:
+ those kids are fantastic. All the love to Dustin. Also Steve, who finally grew on me once I stopped waiting for him to order Dominoes, Ferris-style
+ that kid who plays Will twinged my stress levels HARD. That kid needs to win every award there is.
+ Bob. Thank you for proving me wrong.
Spoiler-free Cons:
+ Bob.
+ that kid who plays Will twinged my stress levels HARD. That kid needs to win every award there is.
+ Max's brother needs to GO. Like.. seriously. GET GONE, DUDE.
+ whatever accent Matthew Modine was going for.
+ Mike and Nancy's parents. WTF? How do you miss ~all of that~??
Not entirely sure I'm ready to jump into the fandom.. let's be honest, though - that involves me making icons and/or sigtags and that's about it. LOL
(crossposted from
DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )