I signed up. I specifically stated that my goal is to work on a few shorter OC 'verses... so we'll see. I need to get some of these scenes out of my head... which doesn't really matter, since Steve LOVES to revisit old projects and rehash scenes that have already been written. Like I'm going to rewrite them, again?!
Also, posting this at DW first, for the sake of I'm lazy today and don't feel like cross-posting to DW after I post on LJ. We all know I'm on LJ always, except for the RP stuff.. so comment here, or there.. I'll get it. wish the crossposting worked the other way, or DW would notify me when someone tags my username, but whatever...
See the note that is (I assume, on the LJ post) below? Yup, that. I'm here and there.. But mostly here (LJ).
I still haven't decided if I want to import the journal(s) or not... so many links that will have to be replaced as it is... I need to just SIT and DO IT. And figure out which icons I love the most. until the new year and I have some extra moolah to throw away
Also.. allergies hit in full swing, overnight. I can't breathe and my head is about to explode. I was going to just get Sudafed at lunch, but, now, I think I might just go get a $*@_ taco.
Is it 4:30 yet?
(crossposted from
DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )