I assume. Today is the Bowl-a-thon. I'm glad I do still get to participate, even though I'm not at Disney anymore. Not that I made ANY effort to raise any money. Hell, I didn't even put effort into Girl Scout cookies. Dad took the form to work and I CLEANED UP.
And cookies were more his thing, anyway.
My Dad was the COOKIE MAN. So, for a month, our house was FULL of boxes of Girl Scout cookies. And we couldn't eat any of them. *grumble*
Anyway.... the brother had to work this morning, so we're meeting him at the bowling alley. Irony: the bowling alley is two miles (by the roads) from the old apartment. *facepalm*
I've yet to attend one that's convenient to me. The worst was the one time we had to drive up to downtown. And I didn't even know I was driving by
annehiro at the time! *gasps*
I was hoping I'd find a photo of us at the bowling alley, back in the day... but no luck. Have come across some really funny (and scary) photos, though.
Maybe I should plug in the camera... just to prove that Mom did actually bowl...
Still plotting for
tinpra, for this
meme. Cain's being a pain in his rather shapely the ass. Of course.
Poppies are planted on Farmville. And I have realized that what they need for that -Old Faithful? On a farm?- is a tornado. Hell, do a whole Oz-theme. It would be awesome. Of course, you'd only be able to get the stuff if you pay for it. Because these games are STUPID. Yet, I keep playing
Anyway.... I should get dressed.. o.O