Nov 08, 2004 01:19
Ok so Im out of DV and I still have to deal with drama. Fun. I dont mind, as long as Im not the center I suppose...
Ok so yea Im jealous, its just I dont have many friends here that I can hang out with. Pretty much just her and Grr...Hawaii. It bad enuff I dont see her anymore cuz of school, but it just seems like Im invisible sometimes...but I know im not and that shes still my best friend. So I really dont know. Never mind.
Ok so yea Im super nice and I cant tell people Im mad at them because for some reason Im not like that anymore.
Ok so on that note, someone owes me money, and I know she doesnt have a lot of money and all but if you at least offered to pay me back I would feel a lot better. Of course I wouldnt accept it or anything, but just maybe offering is more important than getting a tongue ring. Just maybe.
Ok so I totally broke down to him a few weeks ago about how he doesnt show that he cares about me and I feel left out and I mean BROKE DOWN. Things are great now.
Ok so it will be 3 years on tuesday.
Ok so thats my update for the 3 people that read this...
Ok so I know Im a terrible person for never calling anyone. I wish I wasnt so fvken busy all the time.