Feb 27, 2005 11:03
You may notice i dont post here much anymore, most my posts are on myspace or on another message board. My life is very complex at the moment, I am dealing with a lot of emotional crap, stuff left over from my ex, stuff from being in a new relationship, being really involved on campus, not having as much help as I thought i would, changing jobs, having an inernship and the list goes on. and you know most people they don't even ask whats going on anymore and if I tell them they don't care. Its like i have been reduced to.."have you got this done?"" or "why have you done...?" or "I am sure you know you have tyo do this , this and this." Thats from even people who i thought were my friends. I am sorry I stepped up in a particular area, and I am getting sick and tired of people not caring about me. I got a new awesome job, and i still get to work in alaska this summer, and i am stillw aiting to here from the school about the grad program. No one has asked me latel;y what I want, they only concerned about what i can give them and I am sick of it. peace, cheers and tears!