Mar 14, 2019 14:39
I took a hiatus from this and my non-smoking resolution. The pain I’m experiencing has not lighten up and I’m always sick, feeling like I’m going to vomit if I’m not vomiting.. Can’t drink caffeine, let along alcohol, due to this pain and feeling so ill as of late. It fucking sucks. I have never felt like this while pregnant. It has a lot to do with my side pain.
Speaking of which, I got my ultrasound results. They found the pain on my left side is being caused by a foggy cyst the size of a lemon and the fetus being attached right by the fallopian tube on that side. My doctor is afraid it might rupture and I guess it’s dangerous for it to do so while I’m pregnant. My OB may remove the cyst.... I have not contacted her about any of this; my PCP recommended her to me a few years back when I found out I was pregnant with my son so she’ll more than likely send her the results and findings. I could be wrong. I’ll call tomorrow.
I ate some turkey a week ago. The mom in me doesn’t like wasted food and my kids wouldn’t eat it. I wasn’t feeling too hot before I ate it and I thought the craving I had for it would make me feel better. I was wrong. Two slices and I felt sicker than sick after that. I think this “eating meat” kick I’m on is going to stick a lot better than the non-smoking/non-drinking I’ve been on.
I’ve also been slacking on my cleaning duties. I’ve had dishes piling on my sink for weeks. I’ll work through some of them and it’ll build back up while I’m slacking. It sucks. I haven’t cleaned my bathroom or vacuumed my floors. I did clean my room. Something I hated doing as a kid so there’s that.
All I want to do is sleep. I'm gaining a ton of weight and my clothing is starting to get tight. Ugh! I have a quilt to make and a second job to work to help me pay my bills… I need to get out of this funk and get my ass MOVING!
EDIT: Why does Livejournal automatically think I want to put some of my entry under a cut? Ridiculous.