
Sep 28, 2007 05:09

Well, sashapanic and I left for work today and all was fine. Coming home we find several lovely large brownish marks all over our dining area ceiling along with the accompanying black plastic tarp and large buckets for catching water. Apparently, our neighbors upstairs had decided to put a pool in their kitchen or something because our maintenance guy said that their floor was totally soaked. So much so that they had so drill a hole in our ceiling to let the overflow drip into our living room.

This wouldn't irk me nearly as much had we not had the lovely mystery leak somewhere in our pipes in the wall that had been slowly leaking through our wall and into our floor. They had to cut out a large chunk of carpet in my room and do a special treatment for mold..twice. Along with having carpeting guy come out not once, but twice to put in a huge air blower to dry everything out. They did it once, but then that same day we found the carpet being soaked again so they had to come out and carve out part of my wall and re do the carpet.

Hopefully this'll get fixed this weekend and hopefully they'll also take care of that lovely discoloration we have in our kitchen that we reported when our upstairs neighbors sink busted.
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