Hi everyone! How's your summer going? :)
Please come to a free outdoor animation show this Wednesday, July 9, 2009 (i.e. TODAY!) at 8:00pm at the UTSU building, 12 Hart House Circle, on the University of Toronto downtown campus.
http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Queen%27s+park+subway&daddr=12+Hart+House+Circle+Toronto,+Ontario,+M5S+3J9&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=43.663308,-79.392786&sspn=0.017199,0.044074&g=12+Hart+House+Circle+Toronto,+Ontario,+M5S+3J9&ie=UTF8&ll=43.661282,-79.392958&spn=0.0086,0.022037&z=16The UTSU building is directly in front (i.e. south) of Hart House, and currently has a large yellow hard hat on top of its tower (courtesy of the Engineering dept.) It is about a 7 minute walk north from Queen's Park subway station.
About the show:
My friend Stefan Gruber is an animator and teacher from Seattle, WA. He is currently touring the parks and backyards of North America with "Fantasy Pleasure Complex 10," an hour-long showing of his short animated films. The show is all-ages and is also a dessert potluck, so please bring some goodies to share! Again, the show is free, though any donations to offset travel costs would be greatly appreciated.
To find out more about Stefan and his animation, please see:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=f1VML9bGY1YYou can also check out his website:
http://stefangruber.com Hope to see some of you out on Wednesday evening at 8pm. Remember to bring some dessert if you can!
P.S. Feel free to pass this message along to anyone who might be interested. If you would like to hang up a flyer somewhere, you can download one from