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Jul 27, 2006 00:23

HEY GUYS!!! oh how I've missed you. I finally have time to update cause I'm jobless right now so I have all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing.
I've been going to the beach a lot lately with everyone. last week I went with Abe & Steph, then another day I went with Steph, her daughter, her daughter's friend, my friend Claire, her little girl, Claire's bf & I think that's it. it was fun. I love having friends. they're all so amazing andddd now that I'm 21 I can go out to bars with them. I rarely even have 1 drink, I just go to see everyone and meet new people. Steve invited me out last night but I was too lazy to go, and when he got home he's like YOU BITCH!!!!! :(
buttt other than that, I spend my time with the boyfriend. we've gone to the beach a couple times, the pool is fun though cause I never have my bathing suit with me, so I end up going in my clothes cause he pulls me in when I go to put my feet in the water. nice huh? but he's awesome. we have so much fun together and laugh so much. the other night his cat scratched me in the foot in 2 places and I couldn't walk cause my shoe rubbed against it, and we were at Tara & Dave's and Mike was sitting on my lap the whole time, and when we got up to leave, my GOOD foot was numb and I couldn't walk on either foot so I was like galloping, then I fell off the sidewalk and got a cramp in my side. he was hysterical laughing at me. it's cute though.
have any of you seen the 50 cent movie?? it's SO good. I thought it was gonna be so retarded, but it actually had a story line behind it. we've watched it twice so far haha ohhhhh in a couple weeks Mike is off to Spain and I'm off to NY! I'm excited I miss everyone so much. Matt texted me the other day on his bday and said he would make a special trip to come see me :) YAY! my little duckling.
OH.. funny story. I went and bought Mike some new shorts the other day cause his ripped. so I was like, well where did you get those ones? and he's like "the dollar store." I'm like, what????? LOL and I was like, which one? he's like, it doesn't matter now cause it's closed. so I went and omfg the store I went to.. had SO many different pairs of cargo shorts, but they all looked the same except a SLIGHT difference, and me being indecisive almost keeled over and died. I was so overwhelmed. and he's so picky so I had a feeling he wouldn't like them. I got him some anyway, and they were fucking expensive. I also got him 2 pairs of PJ pants. so I brought them over to his house one night, and as soon as he saw the orange PJ pants he put them on. he told me he didn't like the shorts cause they were too big & stuff. I was like alright I'll take them back later cause I don't have the receipt with me. so we're sitting on the couch a little while after, and he's like, these pants look pink in the light. I think you got them cause if I didn't like them you could wear them and you like weird colors. and I was like DUDE, they look orange.. in your gay light they look salmon, and then I turned off the light and I was like.. SEE now they look black! they change colors according to the light dumbass LOL soooooo this morning he calls me and he's like, "these shorts you got me are the bomb.. and you are the bomb!" and I'm like HOLD UP.. I thought you didn't like them at all. and he's like, I guess I was just being a jackass and didn't give you a chance. so they ended up being really comfy & awesome despite his initial bitching. that made me really happy. plus I couldn't find the receipt anyway lol sooooo yeah. he's cute. he took me to meet some people I never met before the other day, and on the way over he was talking to the guy and he's like "you get to meet my girlfriend finally! yeah I'm really proud of her. I don't know what she's doing with me" I was just like, awwwwwwwww. cause I think the same thing of him.. I wonder why he's with me cause he's so friggin god damn cute he could have any girl he wanted, his dimples like put me in a trance and he can get me to do anything for him.. I hate it but I'm sure most girls feel the same. lol& I met his dad for the 3rd time the other day.. he's cute too & awesome to talk to. he says Mike shows off big time.. I'm like.. I can't ever tell cause he's weird 24/7. lol butttttt I better go now. I wrote too much. I'll update again in another 6 months probly. haha catch ya later!
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