party like a FUNK star...kickin' with Isaac Hayes!
oh yeah, that's me and funkalicious himself, Isaac Hayes. the picture looks a little warped and blurry because it was tonight and the lighting was atrocious. none the less it was an awesome concert. blew my mind. shaft is even better live. he even put on the persona of chef from south park with a "hello there children" to the audience then he went on the sing "chocolate salty b--ls." i bleeped that out because, since it was on the biltmore estate, he edited himself and didn't say BALLS. it was funny that way but when i met him i told him he should have just said it. it said "awwwww man i wanted to but i don't think they would pay me (insert cool-mo-de laugh). and meeting Isaac was all thanks to my buddy kenneth who is head of special events. he got me backstage. i just waited outside the gate (it was an outdoor concert) and he told the security guard to let me backstage. i walked through all the people trying to get back there with a "na noo na noo" look about me:)he threw me a beer from a cooler and off i was to meet him.
all the love songs, like "i stand accused" and "the look of love," made me think of jean a lot and, even manly-me will admit this, i had tears in my eyes at one point.
when i talked with Isaac i told him i loved the show but i wished my love was there. he asked me where she was and i told him. then he wanted my cell phone because he was going to call her. i told him that he didn't have to. a super great guy and a kind soul.