Heh. I'm going through my old LJ < www.livejournal.com/users/origima > and I'm actually laughing. It's great fun to go back to something a year+ old and see how I was thinking back then. And I got a little souvenir for it too! =D
WARNINGericlaoin is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.
Go-Quiz.com >3 Gotta lurve it.
*Goes to see what else is there...* Oh, and before I come back to comment more... I just gotta say wow. I wish I could go back to a particular time that I LJed about then... I wish I could go back to being happy to be me.
Too bad I don't really know for sure who 'me' is... I've kinda been thinking in two minds; Eric and Nicole. It's like I'm gaining split personalities or something... Just kinda odd, really. =|
Oh, and another random note: I'm considering going back to Shouri Kakiko on my Furc name. At least for a bit. Til I figure all this shit out 'n stuff.. Like if I want to bother trying to 'fit in' as a guy IRL and shit.
*Le sigh* =(